What’s that? It appears that the Depression Wolf is entering the ring!
What’s that? It appears that the Depression Wolf is entering the ring!
He was clearly joking when he said that. Like, there are a million legitimate things to pick on him about. Let’s not invent them.
It seems you missed the part where this was scheduled well in advance.
That’s terrifying
Well, the best way to get out of a fight is to get completely naked.
Iirc they aren’t getting rid of the method, they’re just making it less obvious.
That’s the thing, the agency already existed. They just renamed it.
Yeah, look at what just happened to the used car market because of the chip shortage during COVID.
Yeah, awarding penalties doesn’t mean anything if you can’t enforce it.
With a smidge of Saudi Arabia thrown in.
It would likely open up the market for arm motherboards, since they’re not the only player in the game. I think it would ultimately be a good thing, but it would probably take a decade or so to truly compete with x86-64.
Apple opening up the market would definitely give the process a kick in the pants.
Why put in the effort to hide it? It’s not like anything is going to happen to them.
I meant more along the lines of the episode of Family Guy where Peter shoots Cleveland Jr. On accident and Carter supports Peter because he shot a black person.
Allergies are proof that intelligent design is bullshit.
Hot water and warm water are different things
I mean, you definitely don’t want to put hot water on a burn.
I am. No one should be able to pay employees under minimum wage (which needs to be increased).
My problem with illegal immigrants is that they exist in the first place.
If you want to come here, work, and contribute to society, then why the fuck shouldn’t you be let in?
Not really.