Elvith Ma'for

Former Reddfugee, found a new home on feddit.de. Server errors made me switch to discuss.tchncs.de. Now finally @ home on feddit.org.

Likes music, tech, programming, board games and video games. Oh… and coffee, lots of coffee!

I � Unicode!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • Help please, I am new to lemmy and the Fediverse!

    Hi and welcome here!

    The fediverse means that those communities and users you interact with may be on other servers than the one you are on. Your post reads like you know that fact, so I just said that in case you didn’t know this. Like email addresses, the part after the (second) @ designates the server a community (!community@example.com) or user (@user@example.com) belongs to.

    A first sanity check is always to just visit that server in your webbrowser. Lemmy.pt looks fine at a first glance. It might have been down when you tried to post or comment, but it seems to be up currently. It could also suffer from non obvious problems behind the scenes (same for feddit.org, but I guess we’d see probably more posts like this, then?).

    Another possible problem: Activities in the fediverse between your local server and a remote server usually only get synced when at least one user on your local server is (successfully) subscribed to that community on tue remote server. Maybe no one on feddit.org is currently subscribed to that community, so that you do only see an out of date copy of that data - or lemmy.pt didn’t correctly get your subscription? Sometimes servers/users may also have data retention policies and delete data older than X weeks/months (not sure about Lemmy, but on Mastodon, you can set up auto delete in you account settings). This can also be a source of problems when interacting with old content. I’m not sure though, if this is also true for Lemmy in general or lemmy.pt.

    There can be problems in the communication between servers, too. I’m no admin here, so I cannot check this.

    Also another thing in the fediverse are blocks and defederation. You can (individually for your account) block specific users you don’t want to interact with and also whole communities. But the admin of a Lemmy instance can also defederate specific other Lemmy instances,which means no one on that server will be able to interact or access content from the defederated server and vice versa. The domain name and community name of !portugal@lemmy.pt looks innocent enough though to not instantly say “defederation”.

    So, an admin might give some more qualified answers with access to the logs, but the above might give you some insights and pointers what might be going on.

  • Oh, that’s an easy one:

    Just constantly stick your finger up your nose, scratch your balls, etc. Make them dirty, greasy,… You get it. If there are “better” means (e.g. food) available, use that. Then play dumb and try to use their computer as if it was a phone and try to do everything as if it had a touch screen. Smear it all over their screen. Cuss as the PC doesn’t react, try again, get visibly angry and irritated.

    They’ll stop asking questions fast. Probably right after they realize what you did to the first PC.

    • Daily incremental (and occasionally full) backup to an external HDD - a full image of my PCs, so that I should be able to restore anything back to what it was in the last ~14 days, assuming no ransomware or fire or…
    • All the data I care about gets synced to my Nextcloud (VPS, not home lab) - somewhat ransomware protected as I could restore VPS backups independently from my PC.
    • Most precious data (mostly photos) gets backed up regularly to an encrypted zip file and then gets send to a glacier tier S3 bucket. Some manual retention is done on the zip file level, so that I can get a tad older backup restored.
    • At least monthly a full backup image of my PCs is created on a separate external HDD which is not stored at home, but in a place I could access 24/7 if I really needed to restore something fast.

    Phones, etc? Just sync to the mentioned Nextcloud, PC downloads from there and everything gets then into the aforementioned backups.

    Homeserver? See “PC” above. With the caveat that some VMs/containers are not in the backup cycle, as they do not store any valuable data besides temp files, etc. For these, only things like docker compose files, custom config, ansible playbooks,… are in my backup.

  • I don’t mean that you need to enter info there that you don’t have. But - you found a new shop? Cool. Enter it in OSM. Or checking it’s correctly in OSM. Or append their opening hours to the data set or…

    For some easy edits, there’s e.g. the android(?) app StreetComplete which will show „quests“ on OSM in your area to complete datasets. Like „is this street lit?“ „what surface does this road have?“, „are there board walks?“, „what’s this house number here?“, „what’s name of this street?“ and so on.

    You can do such things on an afternoon stroll in your area and it will help you learn your surroundings and discover things.