What, you don’t think he poops too?
What, you don’t think he poops too?
You’re doing it wrong! Nothing better than getting paid to poop!
I highly recommend watching The Territory: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378164/
Its a documentary following one of these indigenous tribes and the shit they have to go through in keeping their autonomy. Like its one thing for the government to say a certain land is theirs, but what are they supposed to do if a logging company starts cutting down their trees and the local law enforcement doesn’t care?
Oh man, we thought everything was so bad, turns out those were the good times
That could be covered by the 2nd definition, I just didn’t think it was relevant here:
From the dictionary:
an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.
Its exactly the part where it is copied and spread. It’s just an image macro until then.
A arbitrary comment or image isn’t a meme if nobody copies it and spreads it
Those are just image macros. Not every image macro becomes a meme
And not every meme is in the form of an image macro
Web 2.0 happened :/
It centralized control to a few large corporations and lowered the barrier to entry for users such that everything became a popularity contest for eyeballs. TikTok, reddit, facebook, youtube, instagram, OF, its all a brainless race for engagement
The internet peaked in 1999
2000s internet was simpler times
The 90’s were 20 years ago, we don’t talk about the 2000’s
That must make some ultra indulgent ice cream
It wasn’t just luck, the eclipse itself has a tendency to clear out clouds:
Was similar here in Austin - sky has been hazy/cloudy most of the day including the partial eclipse - and then conveniently cleared up for a few minutes exactly around the time of the totality
Interesting, I tried a simple test with a user and it worked fine, blocked them on the first attempt. I actually had difficulty unblocking them later, though, I don’t think it “stuck” and had to refresh and/or navigate to a different page, and then unblock them and it worked
Its the metal connectors between the bands/lines.
2 connectors = 1 signal (mono) + 1 ground
3 connectors = 2 signals (stereo) + 1 ground