I liked Freeland because Russia hates her. I also think she did a good job handling Trump in the NAFTA re-negotiation 4 years ago. Both her and Carney were very good options for Canada, IMO.
I liked Freeland because Russia hates her. I also think she did a good job handling Trump in the NAFTA re-negotiation 4 years ago. Both her and Carney were very good options for Canada, IMO.
pass probably isn’t for you then, unless you find a wrapper or something that lets you put all in one file. I’ve switched to keepassxc as well, I could never get the browser integration to work with pass.
No, only the file contents are encrypted. The file names and folder structure is visible to anyone who has access to the files.
The files themselves can contain a ton of stuff if you want, but the convention is to put the password on the first line and that’s what “pass -c my/file” will copy.
Oh, my sweet summer child…
From this thread, looks like you’re right, sadly…
People in this thread act as if the Romans were baboons.
No, people 4000 years ago were still people, i.e. they had roughly the same brains as we do. This means their creativity and intellect was pretty much the same as we have now; they were more than capable of inventing techniques to carve and move large rocks. They didn’t have modern technology, but they still had technology.
Also, building stuff by piling up rocks is so basic, it’s normal that it evolved in parallel on different continents. OP’s pic actually shows a few different solutions to the problem; some of them make neat rows while others are more “random” in their approach.
Even if Assange himself was openly interfering in US politics, how is that relevant? If he isn’t a US person, and he’s not on US soil, why would he be bound by US law? US law isn’t universal law, you know.
Yes, but that’s not treason. It could be treason if he was American, but he isn’t.
I fail to see how that’s relevant here. The guy isn’t a US national and wasn’t in the US when he committed his alleged “crime”.
He has absolutely no duty towards the US and is 100% free to associate with whoever he wants, and yes, even Russia.
US has no standing whatsoever in this situation, and it’s a travesty of international law that Sweden and the UK even entertained the idea of extraditing him. The response should’ve been “go sue the American who actually committed that crime on American soil. Oh wait, you’ve already convicted her, and she’s already out after serving her sentence? WTF are you going on about then?”
They say it themselves: SpaceX specializes in turning the impossible into merely late.
When Starship was announced, people were saying it wouldn’t fly with so many engines because the Russians tried and failed with their N1 rocket. Now that it did fly, it’s that the heat shield will never work.
Are they late compared to what they announced? Absolutely. Are they still faster than anyone else? Look at Blue Origin and you have your answer.
Well, it is the superior siege engine.
It’d probably depend on the tide.
Also, according to their rules, “love one another” is the single most important one. “Don’t be gay” is in an ancient book that also includes “woman in their period must sleep in a separate tent”, but we don’t see them applying that one, do we?
So going by what’s actually in the bible, hating gays is a bigger sin than being gay. Who’s going to hell now?
I’ve read all of them, and I really enjoyed them. It’s true that it’s basically “Royal Navy in space”, and it might be a little cheezy, but it’s a pretty relaxing read.
The space combat stuff gets much better in the later books, Weber managed to build satisfying mechanics for it. There’s some good political intrigue too. The one thing that pulled me “out” of the books a couple times were some character names, some of them are pretty ridiculous (Queen Elizabeth III for example).
It’s more of a “thousandaire” thing honestly
Sailboats like this are routinely called “yacht”. Yacht is a very non descriptive term for boats that just means a pleasure boat. A lot of very different boats fit that description.
Going from this random 2016 Harley for ~$18k, there are a lot of good boats that are cheaper and would qualify as a yacht per your definition (sleeping cabin, 33+ feet)
Overall, there are ~3 price ranges for used sailboats: Under $10k, you’ll have small-ish boats (under 27 ft) in pretty good condition or medium-ish boats (25-35 ft) that need a little work. Around $50k you’ll get older (1980’s), medium-large boats (35-45ft) in good condition, or smaller ones in very good condition. And at $100k-$200k you’ll get much newer medium-large boats (2005+).
For reference, my first sailboat cost me $2k.
A great point in favour of maps is that each iteration is independent, so could theoretically be executed in parallel. This heavily depends on the language implementation, though.
Sometimes I wish Apple hadn’t turned all of their notebook lines into MacBook Air variants. The unibody MBP line was amazing.
Typing this from a M2 Max Macbook Pro with 32GB, and honestly, this thing puts the “Pro” back in the MBP. It’s insanely powerful, I rarely have to wait for it to compile code, transcode video, or run AI stuff. It also does all of that while sipping battery, it’s not even breaking a sweat. Yes, it’s pretty thin, but it’s by no means underpowered. Apple really is onto something with their M* lineup.
But yeah, selling “Pro” laptops with 8GB in 2024 is very stupid.
I think there should be a ratcheting structure, like an additional 5.1% everytime it’s mentioned publicly by his regime.