Semmelweiss is also partially responsible for the widespread rejection of his findings. He basically called doctors who did not follow his advice murderers which naturally didn’t help his popularity. Antagonising someone who you are trying to convince usually just entrenches their opinions further.
I guess for “Flugzeug”, ‘device’ works better but I don’t think I have ever thought about it in that way. From my experience usage usually goes more like this: “Pack dein Zeug zusammen wir gehen weiter.” which I think best translates to ‘Stuff’ or ‘things’. Zeug is an interesting word though. It is also used for the harness of a draft animal (“sich ins Zeug legen”), it’s bridle (“Zaumzeug”), bed linen (“Bettzeug”), work tools (“Werkzeug”) , or as a word for nonsense (“red kein dummes Zeug”). I would say it started, as you said, as a word for device but became a slightly negative word for ‘Stuff’.
The german word for aeroplane is similar, “Flugzeug” directly translates to “flying thing”. Helicopter is also fun, “Hubschrauber” translates to “lifting screwer”.
You can decide that only for yourself so give it a go. Personally, I would categorize it as inoffensive radio friendly alternative rock.
Nobody ever accused powershell of being concise. Its uses a completely different philosophy, object oriented rather than string based. This makes powershell nicer to write scripts in but also makes it worse at bash style one-liner commands.
File search is really awful on windows for no reason at all. Your complaints about commandline utilities is not accurate though.
Windows has native powershell equivalents to both grep
and tail
. You use Select-String
instead of grep
and Get-Content -Wait
instead of tail
The videos by suckerpinch are always a treat. I can also highly recommend his video about filesystems that store data in difficult ways, for example by playing Tetris in a NES emulator and using the arrangement of the tetris blocks as data store.
There was the time when Daniel Micay was the project lead and I wouldn’t trust him either. The current leadership seems fine though. I dislike that they only want to support Pixel phones but other than that I don’t see any issues.