Almost all permaban are technically very long temporary ban.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
Almost all permaban are technically very long temporary ban.
Finally something in which I can flex my specific knowledge of the human world!
It is a joke: the shape of the truck is quite peculiar and covering hides none of its typical features.
People are products of their times.
You hear this a lot, but then you and look at “the times” and find arguments in favor of cultural integration dating back thousand of years.
It is true that people are the products of their time, but those times are not as radically distant moral wise as it is usually assumed.
This is the real answer and the reason online bubbles are so sad.
There’s so many different way to live your life and we are atrofied around a couple of equally bad options.
You mention money in your arguments but you never provide pricing of those components. It doesn’t help in the current wild pricing environment.
I’d also like to mention https://www.logicalincrements.com/ that basically does what you are doing on a wider scale.
Tor inside a VPN is fine. Some argue it will make you stand out in comparison with other users of your VPN but that’s only a problem if they retain data, and if they do you really wish you’d have used tor…
You are online persona.
You ate 10 times in two months? That can’t be healthy.
I’ve been yelling it for the past 20 minutes, I would never bring to the conversation something untested.
Here’s proof:
You can say “caaaare”, you can say “carrrrre” and you can say “careeeee”.
You would sound like a much bigger freak in both the latter istances.
One could argue and one would be wrong.
I know it’s beyond the realm of rules, but wouldn’t it be… “caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare”?
It can be valid, it surely doesn’t apply to Gaza.
We are “all” guilty because we knowingly pollute, for example, and that kills people. And we buy products and that finance Israel bombs. And we fight for survival and strangle our jailer that just landed that job to feed his family and never got quality education to choose a different career.
I am more of the idea that there are no truly guilty in a strict sense. We as a society share the responsibility to handle the now extended knowledge we have and we are basically not even trying.
You missed a word in there.
I don’t think it’s lack of empaty, or rather, it’s not just lack of empaty, I think it’s more an active lumping together of people and ancestry.
So much so Zionist, and Nazi, are into their own a-priori “positive” quality, coherently, absurdly so, Palestinian children have a-priori negative qualities.
I feel sick just typing this because I would think this is very very very clearly idiotic. But it seems to take hold of plenty of people’s worldview.
Not the point here. Using it in a commercial environment for free was a violation of the terms, now it’s not anymore.
Aren’t they one of the most lethal species?
Edit: Yep! https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_humans?lang=en
I’m not on board (heh) with Intel yet, also second hand is more sustainable, last but not least, it would be overkill with my CPU (and the PSU and indirectly the motherboard).
I mean, sure? I’m kinda in Europe I’m not sure if that would make things awkward.
My 1060 6Gb is starting to crash on me.
I found myself seriously considering buying… A working second hand 1060 6Gb.
I don’t see any tag in your reply I’ll therefore assume you are being serious and malicious.