What kind of chip?
What kind of chip?
I hear gardening is a nice way to cope with that news
I killed an isopod, and I’m not so proud about it!
Where do you think he gets his story ideas? You think Sandman is fiction?
From what I can tell this isn’t about actually forcing actions about misinformation, it’s contacting the platforms. Not allowing the government to say “Hey, Facebook, this misinformation looks like it could make an ongoing public health issue worse.” is a boon to misinformation peddlers. Of course Facebook should have every right to say “lol, that’s how we make the big bucks” and do nothing, but that communication should be possible and regular.
Speak for yourself, I get my music from goblins
FF13 is retro?
The Matrix came out closer to the first Star Wars movie than to today
This feels like a distraction from anything that actually affects people’s lives. Rile up the base, get opposition talking about the thing they want to focus on
His father, who is/was in charge of HR at Info Wars?
His father, the CIA dentist!?
His father, who was once declared the smartest boy in all of Texas!!?
I have a similar item that I don’t want to display but also don’t want to get rid of - I inherited it from my grandfather who got it by killing a Nazi.
How do I keep the memory of an item that represents killing Nazis to me without it looking sympathetic? Defacing the symbols might be the right way
His coat is not perfectly tailored, it’s kind of classist really
Are you sure that’s not the lemon you gave life?
It’s very good. Wario land is my personal favorite
I love the part where there’s a virus that some wasps carry and inject with the eggs that suppresses the host’s immune response