where’s the gif/video?
You mean to tell me you’re only gonna tell us you found an oddly satisfying thing and NOT gonna show it??
what a tease.
where’s the gif/video?
You mean to tell me you’re only gonna tell us you found an oddly satisfying thing and NOT gonna show it??
what a tease.
I’m not really ON facebook. But way too many of my friends use it as a way to send invites to events. I literally just pop in every other week to check notifications and see if anybody invited me to anything. It’s kind of infuriating how no other method makes it so easy to just invite 20 people somewhere.
The fediverse doesn’t have a decent calendar/invite solution does it?
Yeah, both ties are too high, definitely prefer the bow tie though.
Your definition of objectively is off. Just because there is an alternate universe where cars would be a luxury doesn’t mean that cars are a luxury for all timelines.
Status quo of now demands a car. It sucks. We are now stuck in a vicious cycle of people need cars because there’s no public transit -> people don’t need public transit because they have cars -> people need cars because there’s no public transit
@IonAddis needs a car. Without it, their job options are limited. Much like me. We’d like to ditch our cars, but we can’t.
You just live in an area where you’ve decided that everyone needs to get around in luxury vehicles, and you’ve built that into your infrastructure.
I did not decide that. The cold hard reality is that my work and my home are 15 miles (24km) apart. That’s a 1.5 hour bike ride, 3 hours round trip. You are absolutely right about costs, but I have NO option to bus, I cannot bike that daily, none of my coworkers live next to me.
I want more public transport. I would rather live with just a single car in my household that we use solely for large trips and moving large amounts of stuff. God knows it would be cheaper. I’d like that. I can’t feasibly do it.
I don’t know where you live, but that’s just not true in large swaths of America. The other options add multiple hours round trip anywhere and in many parts of the US it’s not an option.
My work is currently a 20 minute drive down a freeway going 60 mph. There is no bus to take that route. There isn’t even a connection, or a transfer, the only other option would be a cab.
… Ok well here’s the link to the moment (in the video you watched) where we have one **staff ** member giving an official response to how LTT interpreted the problem in a forum post on their website.
And here’s a link to their youtube channel where they talk about honey
You’ll notice. There isn’t one.
So for at least two years, they knew honey was stealing affiliate links and considered it a big enough problem to end their partnership, but did not consider it a big enough issue to make a video on it.
seriously… did you watch the video?
Here. Here’s a link to the exact moment that entire chapter starts.
thank you kindly, that was satisfying.