special CSS styling so you can’t avoid seeing it
you can’t set your client to plain-text only?
We need to talk about videos titled, “We need to talk about…”
The touch screen in my 2013 laptop has been working fine since… 2013, running only Debian and Debian-derivatives.
Newsletters? Google killed RSS so we could have newsletters?
Only the good bad-guys will obey the terms of the license.
I hadn’t heard of FreeTube, thanks for the recommendation.
J. K. Rowling is a transphobe, a bigot and a fascist.
What’s the difference?
uBlock Origin + Firefox
Maybe im wrong
Some similarities but the main difference in my eyes is that Linus doesn’t have a permanent victim complex.
Unsurprising. You don’t have to follow Hector Martin on social media for very long to learn that he’s a petulant, indignant, self-righteous drama queen.
No, I said, “I like the slacks you’re wearing.” They would go nicely with a red hat.
28 days later.
Was Eminem preaching hate against schoolchildren?