thanks for the explanation. i guess it really doesn’t work as a meme if I’ve doesn’t happen to know this particular image.
thanks for the explanation. i guess it really doesn’t work as a meme if I’ve doesn’t happen to know this particular image.
in Germany this is boomer humor when referring to beer: chilled hops’ infusion
uh i didn’t know that’s cowboy coffee was the official name. i always thought that my dad came up with the name at some point that it has since stuck with the family. but yeah cowboy coffee it is. French press also makes great coffee
uh i didn’t know that’s cowboy coffee was the official name. i always thought that my dad came up with the name at some point that it has since stuck with the family. but yeah cowboy coffee it is. French press also makes great coffee
i find that unfiltered black coffee has a lot of body. 2 heaped teaspoons of ground coffee, 200ish mls of boiling water. let it soak, then stir carefully. the coffee sinks to the bottom leaving you with rich flavorful goodness.
where are the flood tunnels installed to guard the treasure?
there is a phrase in scientific publishing where people plagiarize a paper but run it through a thesaurus to change certain words to make it less obvious. thing is, randomly picking things up from a thesaurus leads to what is called tortured phrases.
retraction watch has more
From german wikipedia: It was a practice called Buntschießen, ~ multi-color shooting, as German chemical weapons were color-coded. One would start with “Maskenbrechern” ~mask-breakers (blue) , designed to force soldiers to remove their masks, which were then followed by lung-affecting agents (green).
die hard.
German is a bit ambiguous here. we use Fleisch for animal flesh that is eaten as food (meat) but also in the sense of flesh in general.
agree. at the same time i wonder whether the usual authentication system is adequate given a) the sensitive nature of the data and b) the data’s implications for people who have not signed up, e.g., if my cousin signs up and provides data, the data he provides is not really his but, in a way, also mine. so, i wonder how much data processing is really covered by my cousin’s consent, given that it is not really his data alone, and whether, given this circumstances, special provisions should have been provided by the processor.
(personally i tend to believe that companies like 23&me should not exist in the first place, given that their operation requires processing of sensitive data from people who have not consented to the use of their data, i.e. processing of relational data should require consent of all related partners.)
a regular on retraction watch (highly recommended):
no it’s not. but you should know what you’re getting into.
in the beginning of my PhD i really loved what i was doing. from an intellectually point of view i still do. but later, i.e. after 3 years doing a shitty postdoc, i realized that I was not cut out for academia but nevertheless loved doing science.
however, i was lucky to find a place in industry doing what i like.
so i guess my 2c is: think about what comes after the PhD and work towards that goal. a PhD is usually not a goal in itself. hth