Yeah you have a point
CS Student and developer on my free time.
Yeah you have a point
About a year or 2 ago i used doom emacs to ssh into my home server, it’s almost the same as opening a file in my own computer so the experience is really seamless
Now i’m sad that i didn’t used nightfish
Blond guardian
Alice pooper
Feast in black
Eletric mom
Irony maiden
Jimmy beat world
Beg myers
Pearl ham
Rice against
Seek irony
The deer hunter
The dines
You lost the chance to use P on Korn
They normally require to be treated after the print to really get the transparent look
Dog’ll never talk to you again today*
Thank you, i will call it that from now on
Then just go ahead and hope for the best
As long as they are close enought to know that you are not really trying to date them you are good to go
Jokes on you, me and my friends just straight up flirt as compliments like “HOLY SHIT! Who is this hot dude?”
My father didn’t cared and my mother would tell me not to bully the kids in bully, but never forced me to stop playing thoses games, and most parents at that time where like that, at least in my social circle
That are exceptions, i just don’t play elden ring because my pc is a potato
When I see a game screenshot with a level above 100, I decide that is not worth my time
You are playing a dangerous game boy
This is one of the reasons why i also sitck more to indie and old titles instead of AAA, it’s at a point that we have games launching all the time but only 2 or maybe 3 every year are actually good
Honestly, i still can see it becoming a thing in a decade, we already have a good amount of 100GB+ games here and there, and as storage becomes cheaper, the less we will care about a feel hundred gigabytes, i remember when having a 8GB usb stick was more storage than you could dream of
Alright! See you in a feel years buddy
Everyone forgets that the planet of apes is actually las vegas, if the camera where to go a little more to the left we would see a eiffel tower as well