1999’s last day was 12/31/1999
1990s’ last day was 12/31/1999
1990’s last day was 12/31/1990
1990’s first day was January 1.
Automating anything blindly carries the risk of unending buckets of water or a universe of paperclips.
Nutty – I was just chewing on that similarity myself.
That’s just “El Reg’s” style; they’ve been that way for years. Don’t let their pseudoinformality fool you, though, they know their stuff.
Respectfully, Defector is about the furthest thing from a spam blog that you’ll find on the internet, my dude/lady.
It was formed a few years back by writers fleeing the sinking ship that was Deadspin.
I’d encourage you to check out some of their other articles and judge for yourself.
+Roquefort gang.
Wolf Amendment