Wow I wouldn’t be able to use that anywhere!
I was stretching it a bit but this is from Jesus:
Matthew 22:30 (NIV Bible)
“At the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
80s probably. They’ll put us in Tokyo style bunk rooms and one meal a day if we aren’t the elite.
Is war a goal now? Who am I kidding, it always has been.
I’m 50 and I’ve worked 6-day weeks probably 90% of my working life which started at 14. Even before that, it’s not like you actually got the whole weekend off. I was an honors student, there was always tons of homework.
The majority of those days forecast are in the '80s FYI.
Hell yeah arms for the masses!
He’s a man of his word. Your mom might be alright, if she wasn’t such a whore.
If this was Taco Tuesday I’d do the math. But it’s the weekend, so no.
Always turn it off and on again. Then check cable and physical connections, then start the real troubleshooting. I have fixed over a thousand computers as a hobby. So I’m no pro, but I know that much.
I shouldn’t be such an ass. Lots of people use mum! And some good friends of mine.
Not very many humans use the word mum, statistically.
I mean that’s cool and all but that’s not really a debunking of biblical creation or sexual order if you take it at what it says and not what traditional religion tells you it says. There wasn’t supposed to be death, so animals shouldn’t have eaten each other. It also describes something like an asexual heaven. So even if homosexuality isn’t in the eternal perfection, everything now is imperfect so it’s just like everything else.
The rules about don’t aim at something you don’t want to destroy absolutely apply because it was a real gun. That rule applies even when you know the gun is unloaded because you checked it yourself. Been shooting 45 years (I’m 50) and no problems ever because I was taught and follow the safety rules.
Wasn’t Baldwin at some level responsible for the armorer though too? Was he the producer or something?
I agree with your comment but your numbers are all way too low.
Agreed. If it’s law they’ll get it done (mostly, there are always bad landlords in court). But there are still a lot of places where it isn’t law, and I’m not just talking about the US. But if it’s too hot to be at home, spend a little extra time at work and fix the problem.
no binario or binaria or maybe binarioa or binari or binarie
but please not binarix
Oh no! Anyway…