Neat, lots more e-waste incoming
Neat, lots more e-waste incoming
Oh that’s interesting. I started poking around with a Gameboy emulator guide implemented in Python that intended to emulate a Z80. Got any good resource recommendation in case I decide to pick this back up and inevitably get stuck?
The Lelda of Zelda
I’ve been playing MP3 for the first time lately and I’m excited for this next entry! I’m glad to see they have seemingly introduced a new nemesis, as dark Samus was getting a little old IMO
Oddly enough I’ve had the most success selling things on craigslist in the past few years. When I list things on OfferUp I get some messages but everyone is super flaky. People are still flaky on craigslist but I almost always end up closing the sale there instead of OfferUp
Predictability in a chaotic system across various scales of time and space.
I like finding playlists that people on Spotify have made roughly around a particular band or genre. I find one and hit shuffle and see what happens. I’m talking an actual user made playlist, not the garbage Spotify “made for you” playlists. Those used to be solid until they started stuffing them with 90% songs I already listen to.
Sometimes playing the last song on an album that I like or one of my playlists gets some good stuff out of Spotify’s algorithm, but that is kind of hit or miss. It used to be quite a bit better.
I have been meaning to remove Marilyn Manson from my playlists and just now did. Thanks for the reminder
Job for a Cowboy - The Forever Rot - technical death metal/progressive metal
Lacuna Coil - Delirium - gothic metal with a mix of clean/harsh female/male vocals
Decapitated - Veins - technical death metal
VOLA - Head Mounted Sideways - progressive metal with a mix of clean and harsh vocals
Caligula’s Horse - Slow Violence - progressive metal with mostly clean vocals
Skyharbor - Miracle - progressive metal with clean vocals
Baroness - Shine - progressive metal with mostly clean vocals and mix of male/female
I want to like Darko US cuz their stuff has a really cool sound, but I just can’t get through even one song by them most of the time. It’s just so incredibly aggressive and heavily engineered that it’s difficult to listen to imo
Twelve Foot Ninja is fantastic. A little bit funky and weird, but still heavy, and some very positive vibes
I clean the kitchen pretty thoroughly once per week after meal prepping. By thoroughly I mean do the dishes, wipe down the stovetop and counters, clean the sink with dish soap and a sponge, then sweep and mop. During the week I try to clean up small spills and such as I go and load the dishwasher after meals.
For the bathroom, I usually do once per month. Clean the counter, mirror, toilet top to bottom, and shower top to bottom. Sweep and mop.
Living spaces and bedroom I sweep/mop/vacuum once per month and clean tables as needed.
I hardly dust or clean windows. I maybe do that a couple times per year or if it’s particularly filthy.
The general idea for me is to clean regularly and as needed so that nothing is really nasty at any given time. Anything else gets done roughly once per year or on move out.
Happy Monday everyone! IWNDWYT!
Job for a Cowboy. Their latest album, Moon Healer, is fucking incredible. If you’re into technical death metal it’s a must listen
Morrowind with online multiplayer. Don’t get me wrong, I like Skyrim and ESO is cool, just different. But I enjoyed my Morrowind experience and would love to see it modernized in some ways, mostly visual
The wired model has been my daily driver for damn near 8 years now. Use em for music at work and gaming at home (though I would approve for gaming at work). I haven’t wanted or needed to upgrade since I got them
Not an ingredient necessarily, but I toast rice with spices before cooking it. I throw some oil and garlic in the pot I’m going to cook the rice in, then put in the rice and (for mexican-like dishes) garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, cumin, a little oregano, a little cayenne pepper, and salt. I mix that all up continuously over medium heat for a couple minutes, then I add the water and cook the rice. It makes an incredible difference in taste
Atari 7800. I bought it from someone on craigslist about 3 years ago. The video was pretty fuzzy and audio wasn’t consistent, so I talked them down to a good price. I ended up modding it for composite video and audio, but I rarely play it. I didn’t grow up with an Atari, so I don’t have the nostalgia for the games, but I still think it’s pretty neat.