Collision, not pre-image attack (the two are different)
Collision, not pre-image attack (the two are different)
This is FUD. There is no publicly known pre-image attack against SHA1, the hash used in mainline DHT.
Do not expose Jellyfin to the general Internet. They have security issues, I would not trust that (no cloudflare does not save you by default).
There are basically two ways: VPN, or authenticated reverse proxy. VPN is probably the easiest to setup and the most flexible, but it’s a bit of a pita to use.
Authenticated reverse proxy will break apps, but the web app will work (and you can setup your reverse proxy to allow specific user agents from the VPN to bypass it, allowing apps on the VPN to work). I currently do this so I can look at metadata on my phone without a VPN setup.
You don’t even need the vps unless you’re behind cgnat Though you should never expose Jellyfin to the Internet, they have had and continue to have major security problems
An RSS reader (I use Miniflux), ended up being extremely useful
Miniflux is possibly the most important thing I self host. It tells me when software updates (basically everything on GitHub has RSS). It’s also great to keep up with blogs that don’t update consistently and also stay out of the “there are only three websites” bubble.