Willie in Temple of Doom. So what if she wasn’t cut out for the big adventure! She liked her life in Shanghai- dresses, performing, champagne, and nightlife. She didn’t ask for any of what happened next!
Willie in Temple of Doom. So what if she wasn’t cut out for the big adventure! She liked her life in Shanghai- dresses, performing, champagne, and nightlife. She didn’t ask for any of what happened next!
Haha- it’s always the shoes, isn’t it? I walk a lot and it’s really driven my footwear choices over the years. There is little crossover between the truly comfortable (hello, plantar fasciitis) and fancy stylish.
Though back in the day I would wear heels and tights for my retail jobs. Definitely helped me sell more!
I love this and wish people would still get more dressed up to do random stuff.
He’s such a whiner!!!
Hahah- i started calling myself a San Francisco conservative: absolutely left leaning but compared to the folks in SF I’m not blue enough.
Gorgeous! And I hope your lace project doesn’t turn out like mine- looped around my neck in a bunch, thereby ruining the delicate look.
That would be fantastic!
Given away by the 3rd century AD’s version of Burger King.
Amazingly vivid colors though!
For me it’s constantly having that word you’ve used 1k times just out of reach, coupled with feeling like there are two (or more) levels happening in my head: one trying to have a verbal conversation and the other wondering silently when my migraine/headache will go away.
I’m late to the party but here is my solution to getting the fuzzy lines off my skin from the patches- rubbing alcohol.
A little on a cotton ball or paper towel and it comes off fairly easily.
Hahahah- I like your dedication.
Wait, you can romance Withers?
Gold Diggers of 1933 - pre-Hayes Code and funny! It’s fast talking and much of it came across as modern to me.
I absolutely love the 70s Wicker Man!! It’s weird in the best possible way with Christopher Lee jamming it up to 11.
Schitt’s Creek - about halfway through the second season where things really start to gel. I unabashedly want all of Moira’s outfits.
So cute and looks so warm!
Soooo good with lox!
There is a brand of crackers called Finncrisp which to me taste like savory grape nuts. Delicous!
Growing up I would hear people hating on her. But this was pre-internet so perhaps the World Wide Web has lessened the Willie bashing?