Even having done professional mail hosting for years at one point in my sysadmin career, I still think paid email hosting is worth it even for those with the skills to stand it up themselves, at least for any inbox that might see actual important communication.
The reliable infrastructure, and the reputation management demands on a self-hosters time are a tough sell, when the cost to make it someone else’s problem is comparatively low. :D
I can say that I enjoy the Final Fantasy series just for the fact that I respect they are always trying something different with each one. This has the end result of me not getting on with several of them, but critically, someone else does.
I just find it kind of beautiful that a series is willing to experiment with itself to such a degree, and that at this point there really is at least one game in it for just about everyone.
All it really means is that I have to accept that not every game has been made with me as the target.