Sounds like someone is salty for not winning
Sounds like someone is salty for not winning
There is no such thing as a Backup, only Redundant copies
I replaced the springs on my Ender 3 Pro with Bed Stiffeners when I added a CR Touch. There is no need to level the bed anymore
After doing my research, I’m going to be using XigmaNAS as the OS for my NAS build
There is no such thing as food safe plastic
Try looking for Livestreams on Peertube
Sovol SV06 or the bigger Sovol SV06 Plus Well, within the budget
Watch out, you’re projecting
Are you searching hashtags and following them
You’ll be limited to PLA and PETG for filaments
My first PETG print
Enders print just fine but tend to be a bit more maintenance-heavy
Double your budget at least or be willing to learn the ins and outs of how 3D printers work at a basic level Be sure to check out the Tomb of 3D Printed Horrors on YouTube if you are into minis
Or just turn off image uploads
Atari 2600 “Light Sixer” I got off FB Marketplace locally with 30 cartridges