why not matrix?
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why not matrix?
way too specific… is this the plot to a book? if so what’s it called?
Those tests are worth more than four years of college?
Yes a test to figure out if you can perform your job is significantly more valuable than a collage degree, this doesn’t mean that college has no value, mind you, it just means that knowing how to do the job and knowing that you fit in with the company culture is vastly more important.
Go get a bunch of I.T. certifications. Get your CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+ Get a Microsoft MCP or MCSA
Those certifications are useless, they look good on your resume because managers love showcasing their staff’s “certifications”, as many companies that don’t understand IT put value on the certifications more than anything else, but they don’t actually provide you any value in of themselves. Sure it might be interesting how many network switches you can daisy chain according to the standards, but it has no real value most of the time, if that’s information you need in your job it’s something you can just look up, HOWEVER, asking you random questions that pertain to the job during the interview IS a good way to understand if you’re a good candidate, and, often, the actual response doesn’t matter as much as your reasoning for getting to that response.
When an interviewer at google asks you how many pennys it would take to make a structure as tall as the empire state building, it doesn’t matter what the answer is, truly, even if you got the exact number of pennys, just saying the number would mean you don’t pass the interview, your answer would be worth less than an answer that gets it wrong by 75% but is well reasoned, what they care about is how you come up to the conclusion that you come up with, the solution is useless.
this is definitely satire, otherwise it would take longer than the age of the universe to finish coding it lol
How about using LDAP? It’s a bit complicated to learn but it’s easy to integrate it in a bunch of applications and it allows you to manage user accounts and permissions in one central place.
Maybe try LLDAP which is a modern implementation (haven’t used it myself) which is designed to be simplified and I assume more welcoming to newcomers.
I believe that the following IP ranges
are engaged in highly suspicious activities
furthermore I can definitely say that I found some dirty pirates hiding at the following ip ranges:
my research clearly shows proof that those people are not just pirates but also engaged in highly illegal activities such as stealing BILLIONS of dollars and hacking who knows how many servers, and that’s only the crimes one can talk about online.
no, I didn’t share IPs that anyone here would ever have, I guarantee it, if you don’t get the joke look up “bogon routes” and then look up which ASN owns the other set.
It looks more legit than people who use,,, or any other things like that because most people don’t know about those.
Also bonus info:
here’s a tip for you, if you’re a sysadmin just go ahead and ban those IP ranges on your machines, if you ever get packets from them it’s an attack 99.999999% of the time (I guess unless you have customers in north korea? in which case only block the first ones and all other bogon routes)
Well, if you want to get all mathemagical about it, a horsey moves as a mash-up of:
That’s right, horses move by doing what’s known as the vector dance, in any direction they please. Checkmate, math style! 🐴
and if you look closely that looks like the kanji for ground 土 twice, so you know that they can’t fly
then just use fedora asahi remix because the asahi linux team did the work for you, also they would really appreciate some donations
is not exactly Google Maps in terms of usability, but it’s a functional map
I would personally say that it’s better than Google Maps. It’s more accurate at least
click the button that says more then add a shortcut to your favorite map service
I prefer the extremely intuitive:
["grep -P "PPid:\t(\d+)" /proc/$$/status | cut -f2 | xargs kill -9")
i:!grep -P "PPid:\t(\d+)" /proc/$$/status | cut -f2 | xargs kill -9[esc]Y:@"[cr]
It just rolls off the fingers, doesn’t it?
Edit: damn it lemmy didn’t like my meme because it assumes that characters between angle brackets are html tags :( you ruined it lemmy
EDIT 2: rewrote it, just assume that square brackets are buttons not characters
I have not made any assumptions, this has been shared multiple times in different articles which I did not write. As for the Chromecast, I misremembered, it was an Amazon Firestick.
in this case the instruction set is extremely small (and includes open source verilog, so you could even fab it yourself)
quote from the website:
The CPU of the TKey is a modified version of PicoRV32, 32-bit RISC-V running at 18 MHz. Modifications includes a fast 32x32 multiplier implemented using the multiplier blocks in the iCE40 DSPs as well as a HW trap function.
The supported instruction set supported by the CPU is a subset of RV32I. Specifically it includes compressed instructions, but excludes instructions for:
- Counters
- System
- Synch
- CSR access
- Change level
- Trap redirect
- Interrupt
The instruction set implemented by the CPU also includes multiplication instructions from the RV32IC_Zmmul (-march=rv32iczmmul) extension. Division is not supported.
Any illegal, unsupported instruction will halt the CPU. The halted CPU is detected by the hardware, which will blink the RGB LED with red to indicate the error state. There is no way for the CPU to exit the trap state besides a power cycle of the device.
Note that the CPU has no support for interrupts. No instructions, ports or logic.
there are use cases, such as security, where you want as few instructions as possible, so a full ARM processor isn’t the best idea. You may want to read the threat model page: https://tillitis.se/products/threat-model/
The more you know! I don’t follow their blog so I didn’t realize this. This is a pleasant surprise and yet another reason to love Mullvad.
I’ll use that in the future haha
As the person being accused of this, I’d like to know, too.
Didn’t know about mitra, thanks for sharing!
Regarding Linus’s quote, I completely agree with him and that’s mostly why I asked for feedback; I don’t have the time to work on this myself at the moment, and even if I did I want to hear conflicting opinions on the implementation before I did anything
Matrix VoIP is a thing, and it’s usable for audio & video on many clients, element and fluffychat come to mind, but probably more.
element call is also coming into element (and possibly other clients) for video calls and screensharing
why does that matter?