Prodigy was my first experience, then we (parents) switched to AOL. Fondest memories are learning about AOL and IRC chat bots and getting into Linux
Prodigy was my first experience, then we (parents) switched to AOL. Fondest memories are learning about AOL and IRC chat bots and getting into Linux
Last time they came around I decided to give it a shot. Best way was just pan fried with butter. Crunchy, slightly nutty flavor. Not bad at all and lots of free food.
OP clearly states in the post they are using a modified APK to get premium access without paying
If you want to clear out any stopped containers, orphaned images, networks, etc run “docker system prune”
What I think is happening is there is a persistent volume mount that needs to be cleared out. If you’re using the docker run command with a -v flag, check the host path. It’s likely there are saved configurations you’re passing into the container.
I’m gonna disagree. Cheap nonstick pans are horrible and just contribute to unnecessary waste plus you have no idea what’s in that coating. Carbon steel or cast iron, when properly seasoned, are just as non stick as a “non stick” coated pan and will literally last forever. They’re also WAY more useful than a nonstick since you can use them with almost any heat source and any temperature.
I like to look at different cooking techniques and recipes. You have to eat everyday, why not make it fun and delicious!
There are tons of no-kneed bread recipes that are excellent. Depends on what type of bread you want to make. If you’re looking to make rustic type boules the no-need recipes work great. For other types of bread that require kneeling, a stand mixer is invaluable.
I just built a similar setup. Same case, i5 10th Gen 6-core, ASRock itx/tb3 board, 32gb ddr4 3600 ram, 1tb nvme for cache, and 3x16tb drives from goharddrive on eBay. Whole setup cost around $1100 but it’ll run all the *arr containers and jellyfin and I’ll have 32tb usable storage. Coming from an rpi4 with a single external 10tb drive… This is a big upgrade. So excited!
This Blocklist works really well for those and also paywalls
There’s a tool for making bootable windows USB drives called Rufus that gives you options to remove things like requiring a Windows account, TPM requirement for Windows 11, secure boot, etc when you’re cloning the iso to the USB drive.
Yep it’s not simple, but also not too difficult. Get a domain name and set up DNS. Open 80/443 on your router, use’s SWAG container for easy automatic cert generation/renewal and nginx reverse proxy to access your hosted services. Have a decent upload speed. That’s about it
Just stop buying phones from carriers and you never have to worry about this. If you like a phone, buy it unlocked straight from the manufacturer and do whatever you want with it. Most offer payment plans, and if not you can always use klarna or a credit card with no interest to make payments on it.