Ace combat 4, 5, and Zero
Ace combat 4, 5, and Zero
3am… Need to be up in 4hrs…
Imma need me some 4 fairy soup.
I’m pretty sure they would have to upload millions of pictures of their own creation first.
From the YouTube guides in generating your own Lora models… Naa just a couple reference poses and it’s ready to go.
Took me a couple glances to notice the second keyboard. Is that comfortable?
Even if you get good at that thing, the compliments won’t subdue the imposter syndrome.
Source Film Maker
So this is the source of inspiration for those Team Fortress 2 SFM shorts.
I’ve been on four and less hours for over two weeks… I don’t really understand how I’m supposed to feel ‘older’… I’m just heavily drowsy at certain points of the day.
Semi-related note… displayport cables can cause a no-boot condition too. I think it was the existence of Pin#1. I had to duct tape that one pin and my computer finally booted up.
I am so surprised everyone is kind of stuck in that 18-29 mindset of “I am just not ready to be a parent”
Is u blind?
Don’t get that card. I used to have it but it would randomly output max volume static… Not a fun experience.
Got the source for that? The original story.
Bought a switch just for this series. Well worth.
I wish I can play Xenoblade 2 for the first time again.
Same here. Work had the leather leap v2s and they were a better fit for me than a Herman Miller.
Just playing with scenarios but I imagine something similar to Salton Sea and its evaporating toxic lake.
Soda spoon eh? Always thought that was the tea spoon.
So what about the table spoon?
Will it take care of the nano-plastics for me or is that an upcoming firmware update?
A mindset of quality.
CNC Machines that are built in Japan are so much Mount Betterest than their ‘Made in America’ counterparts. Even under the same company name.
Visit any shop that requires quality around the world and you’ll see Japanese made machines almost everywhere.
Is it surprising that a publicly traded company is going to drive down quality to meet (or in spirit areospace’s case - attempt to make) profits?
The union also has clashed with Spirit over whether machinists should ever be responsible for checking their own work. Workers say having separate inspectors sign off on individual work is critical for quality control; Spirit and Boeing executives say that technological advances have reduced the need for separate inspectors in some cases.
Bad bad idea. Do not let machinists sign off on a inspection report. The incentive to hide mistakes is far too great.
I don’t have a unique opinion to post if the thread isn’t early enough. And the communities that I can provide expert opinions are basically deserted.