Sure but nobody saw it or cared
Sure but nobody saw it or cared
Hella entertaining with a damn good (albeit minor) twist at the end
Go read the Heritage Foundation’s founding documents. Literally says in black and white that the way to shift the landscape in your favor is by getting your people on the SC.
They don’t care if kids die, they care if sex and reproduction happen in a way they don’t like
Lol the name choice was just to piss off conservatives. Nothing at all to do with Satan
Nothing centrist about that lazy eye amirite
I definitely do not currently have a yeti cup and definitely do not love it and use it all the time nope nuh uh
Lol he doesn’t know the number until it’s over. In the meantime he’s just going day by day
We talk about “treaties” as if they were legitimate to begin with. They never were. ALL land was stolen
Shittttt this is horrible. Is it possible to get someone stuck in this situation a pipe to breathe through or something??
The mute button is great.
I remember seeing these Costco tubes as a kid in the 90s. Thought it was the coolest fucking thing, the vertical pipe going up from each cashier and making a maze of pipes all heading somewhere on the ceiling
Oh boy we’re all shocked, shocked I tell you
On the other other hand, gas car makers have regulators by the ballsack. So we’ve got that going for us which is nice
But whatever will poor Blackrock do with their real estate portfolio??
The dulles brothers were a major reason for all the coups in Latin America
I mean… Doesn’t every former president get a library? Am I remembering that wrong?
Wait what’s up with the 88 thing
Lifting volume and flammability (is that a word?). It’s just a very volatile gas and we’re not going to magic that away with fancy tech. There are more reliable ways to move freight through the air.
Can someone link me to this super-dramatic mid-sentence lapse people are talking about? From Biden in the debate