I never talked about damage at Stonehege. I said, that damaging buildings how’s to far. They didn’t damage Stonehenge so its fine.
I never talked about damage at Stonehege. I said, that damaging buildings how’s to far. They didn’t damage Stonehenge so its fine.
I can’t speak for restaurants, but I can speak for vegan replacements for non vegan foods(e.g. Vegan cheese). Its simply, more expensive, because people are willing to pay dor it and RhE company can make more money with it.
Oh my god, that’s inefficient as hell.
Idk either.
I can only suggest getting yourself a legal expense insurance. It may not be to obvious, but there will be day, where you get a customer that makes a very sweet deal and later won’t pay you. It devinetively is good, if you don’t have to take the costs of it going to court.
Bauhaus, wenns gut werden muss.
But i thought both sides are the same?
Jokes aside. I really hope that this passes and that other country’s may take this as an example to follow.
Same. Matrix is great.
It depends. I think that protest goes to far, if it really damages a building. Since this didn’t its all right.
Yoeah, but you have to use Twitter for that, which also is quite a big downside.
Idk about the EU(there have been cases that were exactly this, an example would be Article 13), but I can say to you, that this devinetively happens in Germany. Our conservatives party wants to pass a law, that would track and save all your online activity(Vorratsdatenspeicherung/ data preservation) to fight “paedophiles and terrorists” they bring it up once in a while, even tho, our federal court already said, that its illegal.
Havent thought about the spelling mistakes being a filter, but now that you say it, it does makes sense.
Yeah, but you have to use Twitter for that. I prefer Reddit over Twitter by a lot.
What are The better solutions(asking for a friend).
Not yet. The submarine should do 2-3 tours before we get musk and Bezos in, since then its more likely to break.
I hate to say it, but Reddit is great for porn too.
AS far AS i know, there are experiments with identifying the gender in the egg, but it isn’t practically usable on a big scale. I might be wrong, would love if someone knew more about this.
Hang it in The bedroom
Didn’t plan on doing that.
Absolute legend