Recently I started playing chess and it came to my mind that it’s an impossible task for you.
Conservation of angular momentum L = r x p (vector product) with p = mv the linear momentum. So if L being a vector is constant so is its direction, so p (and v) being perpendicular to L implies that the movement must be constrained to a plane (perpendicular to L). It’s the same reason why the planets of the solar system lie on a single plane and not on a sphere like artificial satellites around the earth.
Good opportunity to ask AI the challenging task of representing an image of a revolution that destroys proprietary software leaving hardware intact.
It refers to the ability to locate the source of a sound. It supposes that the localization is achieved only by the difference of the time of arrival of the sound to both ears. That’s why the curve is a hyperbola, which is the set of points which distances to the foci (ears) have the same difference, so you couldn’t differentiate which of all the points in the hyperbola is the actual source (confusion). But this is too simplistic, the auditory system is much more sophisticated and the source can be localized by other means.
It’s totally doable because they are real people.
Unbeatable running multiple threads
I’ve never been in Reddit so I can’t talk about it but I wouldn’t have been so harsh if you hadn’t already stated that it seems only useful for illegal and immoral activities when it’s so easy to find, if you are “genuinely interested”, that it’s not the case.
With all the information available at your fingertips being ignorant is a choice.
“this parallel financial system can also serve a tangible social good, offering an onramp to the financial system for people who would otherwise be left out. In countries where the vast majority of the population is unbanked, national currencies are no longer a safe store of value, remittances comprise a hefty portion of GDP, and international sanctions complicate connections to the global economy, a virtual currency that doesn’t require an intermediary to approve transactions can be a vital lifeline for survival”
Bitcoin is poised to blow up Africa’s $86 billion banking system
If you kill 5% of the population every year from 1933 to 1945, how much of the initial population >you end up killing?
This is the simple math problem you stated and the answer is 46%, not 60%. Nobody does the calculation the way you do. Or you think that a simple math problem has two contradictory answers? Show me a single example that someone does the calculation the way you do to answer such a problem, you have the whole internet. I accept my error if you find it.
That’s not how percentages work.
What about using TOR instead of a VPN?