Yeah they have a fair history becoming the thing they fought against.
Yeah they have a fair history becoming the thing they fought against.
This is me.
I would say I’m a fairly proficient dev overall, though on this one project I had to work the frontend. It was shit. Everything was shit.
The backend was a steaming pile of crap, and all of the implications of terrible design decisions were offloaded to the frontend. The frontend became the source of every single delay as it was where all crap started to surface. They were ignoring it, so besides frontend communication was also crap. Eventually, in line with ignoring all other issues, they sacked me.
Long story short, backend devs: treat your FE devs well.
Wait wasn’t this the premise of FarCry 6?
Ah yes rusted down cybertrucks on the road. That’s more like the dystopian future I imagined.
Judges 19 to 21, where after the rape and death of a single person, many thousands are killed, and hundreds more are raped in response.