Ultra wide is better. If enough space an ultra wide and another 16:9 monitor. Games look so nice 21:9 and wider without the bezels of the older solution for ultra wide with multi monitors
Ultra wide is better. If enough space an ultra wide and another 16:9 monitor. Games look so nice 21:9 and wider without the bezels of the older solution for ultra wide with multi monitors
The rest of the year and next are going to be a ghost town or it’ll be the cheapest away game for people to fly to
Like 2 days ago I decided to try pop_os on my main again. Way better than September. Enough for me to be able to tolerate the quirks. But still bugs here and there to the point I wouldn’t recommend it to most users. Maybe by the end of the year
Hard part is software distribution. You can buy Chinese phones but what app store? Can focus on open source applications. Use F-Droid. I have an iPhone and an older Pixel 7. In the past I’ve had ZTE phones. I guess you can buy a Chinese phone with a Mediatek processor that has YMTC memory chips and … whatever else
Desktop/laptop you should and encourage other to try Linux. Something common. Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Even if it’s US based, supporting Linux and open source software aligns with what you want
What VPN? Haven’t seen that yet with Proton
It’s appeasement but until projects complete it can end up being a political boondoggle that by the end of spending $100 billion (if even) just gets them the political sway they needed at the time while not compromising their domestic production advantage
I can see Bazzite keep growing from interest in streamlined console experience Linux gaming. Pop_OS probably won’t grow again until after Cosmic DE is better. It’s not so bad now but still a number of annoyances and bugs. Once it’s stable it can contend better again as a gaming and general consumer centric distro. Mint is solid so no surprises that it can quietly grow
Pricing. It’ll just be a beefier displayless. Same games, higher settings. Pricing and availability.
Hoping that it’s possible to get one at a good price maybe end of summer. By the time it’s possible to grab one, it’ll be hot and I don’t run AC. Once it’s fall, used market at least hopefully isn’t trash