James Bruton is awesome! That was a really cool project.
That would be amazing lol!
I bet those taste extra good outside in the cold.
I’ve never used it but there is also an undo Memory limit. So I guess you could maybe use that to keep blender from wrecking your system if you have the max undo steps.
Oh, damn I have one of these in one of my systems. I’m going to have to find it now and replace it. :(
Dang, thanks for doing that math! That’s super interesting.
They’re oatmeal raisin from the bakery. They’re pretty good.
I was wondering the same thing. I was trying to buy exactly 10 items because that’s the max they allow at the self check out now. I’m wondering if that increase the odds greatly or something.
Arizona, Groceries aren’t taxed here.
That’s an interesting design. I’m not convinced it would be good off road but for bad pavement that looks sick.
Not gonna lie seeing the video makes me want to try it. It looks way cooler in motion with the front wheel lean.
If your interested in 3D printing with blender then I would start with the most basic tutorial on it you can find. Making meshes for 3D printing is an art of it’s self so even non-blender tutorials just talking about designing for 3D printing would be a good place to start. IMO.
Based on my experience with eating cow tongue tacos that sounds really delicious.
I actually really like the idea of a car with pedals for exercise while driving. Even if the contribution is very marginal. I use the pedal assist on my ebike for that runners high so having a car that could do that on long trips would be really nice.
I agree! I really want a LiFePO4 ebike but I haven’t seen one yet. Mostly because of the 3000+ charage cycles those cells can take. I’m guessing they aren’t popular with manufactures because of the lower capacity. It hard to sell a bike with 1/3 the range or giant bulbus battery. Also they can’t sell you a new bike or battery in 3 years when the shitty NMC cells wear out.
They mean prepare your wallet or to wait an eternity. They are graphene based.
I read “Graphene-powered 18650” and thought this is never happening but I looked up the voltex site and you can pre-order them if you’re a business. So maybe they are actually coming to market. I’ve never heard of these cells before so I really want to see a data sheet. There site:
That looks delicious! This is such a weird photo though lol. Do you normally eat with gloves above a trashcan?