I tried another TeX editors, but I had some problems with packages that I need in my documents :(. But I would left Overleaf bc it is really heavy software.
I tried another TeX editors, but I had some problems with packages that I need in my documents :(. But I would left Overleaf bc it is really heavy software.
Yeah, Even Dockge can do that
I know, That’s why I said I always look for Docker Compose bc it is the easier option.
The easier option is hunting for Docker Compose…
I know some Docker, even I built my own images, but I just don’t really like Docker.
yeah, it is available in yunohost catalog https://apps.yunohost.org/app/overleaf and as Docker project.
I would guess that you need to learn more about Docker usage in general, rather than just looking for a Docker Compose file
Yeah, I don’t really like using Docker so I always go for easier option, but my friend uses Docker a lot and also had troubles with Overleaf.
Also, I’d like to point out that Overleaf’s hosting and pricing options are quite reasonable, especially if you’re working for a university or institution: https://www.overleaf.com/user/subscription/plans
I don’t work for university, but I am a student that needs Latex. Overleaf free plan got really bad, even my thesis cannot be compiled now and Overleaf pricing isn’t really great. Student pricing is only for annually subscription, so it is not ideal for me.
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