I’m not your friend, guy!
Guitars, pedals, drums, bass, cats, F1, board games, D&D, other interesting things
I’m not your friend, guy!
Pro tips, ty! I was hoping for something mobile friendly but this will definitely help!
Maybe safe is the wrong word in my post. I mean keeping the data safe from meta in the respect that I don’t want them to have it. Their record in data privacy is not so great so I’m keen to keep my data away from Meta if I can.
Skyrim is a solid RPG, there’s loads to do and the story is good too. Plus loads of replay value and opportunity for modding
RPG wise all the dragon age games are on sale, plus there’s always fallout or skyrim.
As a fellow guitarist I thank you for your heroic efforts <3
Seconded, take the fundamentals and then pick a path through their cert scheme. Azure infrastructure probably has a few parts that may interest you. https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE2PjDI
Can also recommend the blackstar fly3, it looks tiny but it sounds way bigger than it should. And it comes in some cool colours.
Love the stickers! Did you upgrade any electronics or leave it stock?
Seeding! Thanks for doing this.
Did this when driving abroad, my partner also didnt notice and had to remind me.
+1 for github, ive used the project and discussion features before and they integrate nicely. You can join it all together with pull requests as well.
Had a Marcus from IKEA for years, switched out to a Herman Miller Embody and I can sit in it for hours without any butt or back pain. I do wish I had a headrest on the Embody but its not the end of the world.
The HM range is expensive but with the 12 year warranty they’re well worth the cost compared to cheap ones you’ll likely replace.
Wanna have your mind blown more? Squash is more of a Britain thing. In Scotland and parts of Northern England, it’s known as diluting juice.
I love this for many reasons but I am going to LAN this weekend so thanks for reminding me!
wow these look incredible, you have a talent!
just imagine how heavy something like that would be… and how distraught you’d be if someone spilled beer on it at a gig!
Some already mentioned but let’s go!
That Pedal Show yay pedals!
Andertons Music - gear reviews, some shootouts, the presenters are a little annoying but good for latest gear overviews
Dylan Talks Tone - longer format stuff, some really in depth discussions and info, also gear reviews
Guitarist - more about the player than gear, tends to be longer format
Jim Lill - this guys videos blow my mind, scientific tests of guitars, cabs, amps, mics etc. can’t wait to see what he does next
Paul Davids - I really wish Paul posted more often, his videos are just pure gold. +1 for his courses too. Mainly about technique and looking at music in depth from a guitar perspective.
Rabea Massaad - amazing player
Riffs Beards and Gear - one of my favorites, fluff has a great way about presenting stuff in an easy to understand way.
Guitar Geek - Andy has such a great way about him and the week in gear is a great one to watch every single week! Gear reviews and some commentary, but Andy always speaks his mind for better or worse.
+10000 for notepad++, its he swiss army knife of file editing tools. Adding:
Plugins: CSV being read as a small dB table you can query is a game changer. Or have a JSON plugin that auto formats and queries as well as opens the JSON in a clickable nested window.
Pinned tabs: pin important tabs, I use one as a todo list.
Search for text within files in a folder: need to find a specific bit of text in one of dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of files somewhere? Its lightning fast and works a treat
Search and replace with regex: amazing feature, use regex patterns to find complex parts of your files and replace them with something else Bulk operations: remove newline, replace line breaks etc
Multi format support: see line breaks from different OSs like Unix and windows and amend them Portable install: you dont have to install it, you can use a portable version
So much more, get it and you won’t look back.