Jaded. Please, fuck off.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games

    First off, I hope you have been able to find your solace. Losing family sucks, but when it’s someone that close to you it frankly changes you. This internet stranger’s heart is with you, FWIW.

    My brother and I bonded over the Zelda franchise (specifically the OoT/MM era, plus WW). We grew up rough, weren’t sure if we would even make it to our thirties, and those adventure games helped us escape from some pretty crappy experiences. To us, it’s more than a franchise: it’s a culture.

    Link is (usually) never the same character in the games; they’re like reincarnations. Being a Link doesn’t mean being one singular person. To me, being a Link means being steadfast, flexible, compassionate and, above all, adventurous. Things anyone can do/be, and that’s why I think the Zelda franchise fosters some truly amazing gamers when they play those games. Although I do find myself regularly curbing the invasive thoughts to break people’s pots… small price to pay!

    I digress, the explosive prevalence of the Internet has led to printed walkthrough manuals being a thing of the Early Aughts. Ahh, it’s great getting older!

  • I think they mean professional hauling trucks, like an F650. Vehicles used for commercial transport/utilities (i.e. US DOT, Uhaul, construction firms) are typically equipped with high-torque engines specifically engineered for towing.

    This is where the issue arises: for one reason or another, some people want what they call the “best of both worlds”. They want a smaller-sized truck with the same amount of power. To them, this sounds reasonable.

    However to anyone into engineering, this is clearly creating a product for profit rather than practicality. It’s a jack of all trades, master of none situation. A car is a tool, and a tool is created with a specific use in mind.

    Sometimes I get desperate while working on my carpentry: I have to hammer one more nail in to finish my bookcase, but I don’t have a hammer. I have a wrench, which will do terrible work but it’ll get the job done. Yet my neighbor next door has a good hammer, I could borrow it from them for a bit. Now, what if I had to build a house? I’m not wanting a wrench then, I want my own really good hammer.

    Same analogy could be made for Trucks and SUVs. I don’t tow often, but when I do I can rent a capable vehicle. I don’t need to own anything more than a Subaru Legacy at that point. Hell, maybe all I need is an electric bike if my workplace is close enough.

    TL;DR there is no net-positive use-case for the average consumer to need a vehicle with over 400lb•ft of torque. It’s just excessive.

  • So what if our little brother was more than just a prick? A stray punch thrown during a fight knocks some innocent kids’ teeth out? What if he killed someone one day by pushing them around too hard? How do you deal with that when the cops are too busy and your parents aren’t home?

    I wish we, as College-Bro, would quit blindly defending our “family” and start thinking about the recipients. Our little bully brother needs to be grounded for a while like our Russian cousin.

    My real question: how would you ground a child holding a loaded gun?

  • In preface, I think everyone can believe in whatever they want. Religion is simply a habit of congregational reverence over some kind of object. There is nothing inherently wrong with this fact. However, being a staunch atheist myself, the continued antonymic assimilation of church-and-state within government is proliferating regressive politics. Personally stated, any Nat-C in government (i.e. MTG, Flynn) is a drivelling baboon that should be put on trial for willful ignorance. Unfounded opinion will continue to rend apart any pragmatic governance until all that’s left is Their One God. This dangerous downward slope needs to end for the benefit of humanity as a whole, as well as our planet.

  • I don’t think they have a backup plan, everything is going according to their active plan. You could almost consider this like micro-colonization: the wealthy step on the toes of the working folk, lie to the workers into thinking colonization is good, drain resources and human willpower, then throw them in a ditch after they realize their home was stolen from them. Ask the Native Americans, Aboriginals of Australia, or almost every single African country to ever have existed.

    TL;DR - We’ll probably be displaced to neat little patches of land where were are out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

  • I used to have the same thoughts on the matter, but honestly it does a disservice to those fine, intelligent people who are doing something against our broken socioeconomic system. We all know that fear and anger are significant driving forces in the political atmos’fear’, but hope and compassion can be an order of magnitude more effective than the former duo; especially when unjustly destroyed. I believe that Bernie, being the smart congressman he is, is setting the stage for reactive politicking in order to find the chink in Capitalism’s armor. We as a species can’t afford to waste any opportunity we have, otherwise we acquiesce with some disgusting Corpo Oligarchy and obliterate the one and only planet we have. For profit, of course.