Some of the people who stayrd are h1b slaves who cant leave
Some of the people who stayrd are h1b slaves who cant leave
I was there for 14 years. I never heard of some shit like that.
It was wildly overvalued to begin with. Even at 40% down its overvalued. It has a negative EPS. It can be replaced with a ragtag group of federated instances.
Its not worthless, but its not worth 133 a share cmon…
My understanding is that Amtrak is what happened when the private railroad operators were failing, and the govt needed to step in to stop the passenger railroad network from collapsing completely.
Its by and large not profitable. Air travel, for better or worse, eats its lunch.
I kind of agree, but it needs to be a serious party that proves itself. I wont vote for some joke party that only runs in presidental elections. They need to put in the work and run (and win) in smaller more local elections before i would consider giving my vote.
Ideally, this party would fill in the gap the republicans left behind after dying.
For the foreseeable future though, i dont have a choice other than to vote dem
Jesus thanks for posting this. Found it on my LG ThinQ.
Anyone have a fairphone? Thoughts about it?
The idea is for it to be material enough that it shows up in reports about earnibgs for the day.
You get this email that you know is BS, but your agemcy head insists you answer to it. Sonti goes theough the chain of command where ultinately your direct manager asks for it.
Lets be honest, thats not nothing of consequence. Thats rounding the wagons up and energizing the base.
There are three special elections coming up that could take away the GOP majority. They need to do things with high optics that show strength; things that energize the base. Saying “we cant do anything” regsrdless of the truth in it LOOKS WEAK. Thats not a way to show leadership.
Im trying to figure out the angle on that one. I suppose he thinks if its deorbited during Trumps term, he can corrupt his way to extremely lucritive contracts building a new one that he can charge rent for. At the very least lucritive contracts to send all the parts for a new one to space.
By 2030 he’ll be in exile somewhere evading prison, so it has to happen ASAP.
Then why did he hire for the “agency”. Why is he directing it? Why when questioned about doge does answer in collecitve first peraon?
That shit is not going to hold up in court
I cant think of a clealer way for them to admit that 60mminutes is telling the truth
Sure it does. Someone who might have put nore money in teslas pockets puts it in the resellers instead. Its one less sale for tesla
Not being clued in is a serious problem here. A lot of people dont take in any form of news whatsoever
What makes you think we are not mad?
Well… Good then!
Seriously though, i hadnt considered that my balot gets saved even though its scanned by a machine.
Its one less tesla someone else is buying fron them. Flood the market with preownes teslas
Thats how they are gonna do it. The next election is going to be a sham one. They are going to rig it in their favor. Every fucking state shouls be going back to paper ballots
Honestly i think it would be easier and faster to take over the republican party sometimes