Beautiful photo, it made me nostalgic for a book I enjoyed when I was little:
Look at how plush that chair is; I’m sure it has held onto every fart that has been pushed into it over the years. Political wind captured for future generations.
Now fix the interprovincial trading rules and provincial liquor cabal rules so that I can have one delivered to Alberta!
I rememeber leaving Digg.
Highest quality stuff, at least here in Canada, and they sure know how to charge for it!
Same. I had been subbed since the start, but banished his channel from my feed when he posted that bullshit.
Hahaha you really nailed the comparison!
Same goes for nylon whipper snipper line; put your spool in a warm water for an hour before restringing. Some people store their line spools in a pail of water.
I did not read any of this because I was too… drunk?
Kagi keeps getting better and better.
Here’s a link to the flyers as pdfs in different languages and they also include examples of what a court order looks like vs other immigration paperwork:
edit: another resource: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/immigrants-rights
ROFL 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 eat shit, Huang
“Ok, if I decide to do this, I’ll need an unlimited supply of Xena tapes and Hot Pockets.”
but this guy is obviously mid-60s to early-70s. you youngins will find out soon as age takes you, as it takes us all.
I’m here to say I recognize and appreciate these fine members of our community. Huzzah to FS, BotM, and TPM, and so say all of us!
Hahaha I love cowardly Bill Paxton, whenever I see him it’s game over, man. RIP
She looks like a wax statue.