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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • I’d argue that violent revolution never results in something better. Those worse forces will Always move to seize power.

    Violent protest is good, that coupled with people talking shit out like reasonable adults can result in something good, but there’s always that point where some unelected jackass comes in to murder the old guard, and then slaughter anyone who was working within the system to make things better.

  • I have an answer for 1. and that answer is “Never”. a third party is never viable as long as we have First Past the Post voting.

    As for 2, you don’t put any effort into third parties until after we fix the voting system. You work within the system and push for voting reform, or else it will never happen, and we’ll be stuck with First Past the Post forever.

    The game plan is to push for one of two options, either Approval or STAR. Those two voting systems are the only Condorcet compliant systems that can fix our mess of an election system. There are some other fixes that come afterward, like ditching Primary elections (they’re not needed under Approval or STAR) and ditching the electoral college, but those can come after we fix the core problem.

    To reiterate, you cannot solve anything of the problems of our system from outside it. You must hijack one of the two parties and use that to fix things. The same way the Evangelical racists hijacked the Republican Party in the 70s and 80s.

  • The electoral college is bad, but isn’t the core problem.

    The core problem is First Past the Post voting. And before the 1780s, the issues were almost completely unknown because voting at scale wasn’t really a thing.

    Now, the French saw the problem, or rather a French Mathematician named Condorcet did. He even hacked together a clunky voting system that sort of addressed the problem. But sadly was killed as part of the Reign of Terror.

    The person who can beat every other candidate in a one on one election is called the Condorcet Winner.

    Anyway the two voting systems that actually fix the problems are Approval and STAR. Both can easily deliver the Condorcet Winner while also supporting an unlimited number of candidates on the ballot.

  • The problem is the actual voting system. First Past the Post actively punishes Third Party voters. Which leaves us with a choice between the status quo and a party that wants to make shit worse.

    Now, the status quo isn’t all that good, but is distinctly better than the alternative. But that’s it.

    To get something actually better, we need to change the voting system itself. Ordinal voting systems always result in some form of two party dominance. So we need something different. A Cardinal voting system.

    There are two main choices. Approval, which has been used off and on in real world elections for at least a thousand years. Most notably for the election of the Pope for several centuries before the process was corrupted by wealth and nepotism.

    The other option is STAR, a voting system designed in 2014 meant to address the problems with other voting systems.

  • All of that is fine and dandy except we live in reality.

    Reality is a cold hearted bitch. The actual choices were between the status quo, with the occasional bone thrown out way, and billionaire backed fascism, where all of us will be actively fucked for at least the next four years, and likely longer because the fascists are unlikely to ever allow elections where they have a chance of losing.

    Those were the only choices, not voting or voting third party was exactly the same as voting for the fascists. Congratulations, you did it, Trump won.