and I’m sure they’re paying them lots of money to do it because God forbid the rich assholes aren’t rich enough 🙄
and I’m sure they’re paying them lots of money to do it because God forbid the rich assholes aren’t rich enough 🙄
they don’t need ketchup, they’ve got tomatoes
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Gau is kind of a fun character to play if you get good with his rages
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probably some snes roms, an emulator, and some ebooks
how the hell does gobshite like this get 500+ upvotes
Well, I’m no expert, but I know Germany had these MASSIVE tanks (Tigers) during WW2, and the UK/US response was the Sherman tank, these small and fast little suckers, who technically couldn’t take them out, so they modified some of them in-field by replacing the turret and changing a few things inside to create the Sherman Firefly, which were these badass tank-killers. Suffice it to say, they made a lot of Shermans…
Chosen people, are you frickin kidding me? Do you know how much land the Arabs have (Palestinians are mostly Arab)? Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The Jews ask for one little plot of land and suddenly everybody starts crying genocide. What the hell happened to all the native Berbers in northern Africa?! All because some random guy claimed they were the illegitimate descendents of Abraham ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4-60 years after all that? They need to lock their asses up and throw away the key. Fucking psychos
I thought colonizing was what you called it when you farmed the land ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s kind of a no-brainer really
can they? yes. would they? yes. so will they? probably.
ahh, Jewish mythology brainwashing idiots for thousands of years
You can’t always trust online PSU estimates (as far as how many watts you’ll need), it never hurts to calculate it yourself I’ve got a 9th gen Intel board (MSI) with a 10th CPU and a Radeon RX580 running on a 400 watt power supply (EVGA), my biggest concern is overtaxing the poor thing 😀
reads like AI-generated nonsense
why the hell would you discharge your own account if you’re the debtor?
affidavit of fact from who? about what?
“not so safe now are you Rust” ~C, probably