Even these middle-aged hack frauds can’t deny that Andor is real good!
Even these middle-aged hack frauds can’t deny that Andor is real good!
As someone who bought a new Tesla in February, this is very much true - I’m certainly never going to pay 18-goddamn-thousand dollars for it. I just did my first road trip in the new car and wasn’t inclined to spend $200 to try it out. Traffic-Aware Cruise Control was more than suitable.
When they wanted $5k for it, I could imagine the value proposition (though I’d never spend that much), but the current price point is outrageous.
Not sure about this guys - not even Overwatch wants to be Overwatch right now…
From what I understand, it does not get kernel access on Linux. That’s why the game wouldn’t run the first couple of days. After they patched it, it just makes a web call and lets you play the game.
Oh yeah, making it an FPS was a weird choice. But that wasn’t a dig at the 1999 game, but at Red Eagle Entertainment, the group that announced and never made several video games over the years. Also responsible for the lousy attempt at adapting WoT as comics (which took 5 years to release 8 comics)… oh, AND the Winter Dragon TV pilot.
Never mind, my comment was almost entirely aimed at Red Eagle.
The Wheel of Time and licensing their IP rights to hack-frauds, name a more iconic duo.
Music, video games, comics, the Canadian TV pilot… I don’t like the Amazon show, but at least it was actually you know, produced.
It’s also been great to see new affordable entry-level equipment become available. I had a friend finally get an espresso machine a few months ago, and I was able to point him to the Fellow Opus, which is only $195 ( and was on sale for $150).
To your point on “When to invest?” - there are certainly things this grinder could do better, but he has yet to hit a real problem in his coffee making. So sure, an $800 grinder might have fewer fines or more micro-adjustments, but that’s not really offering any value to him at the moment.
After the Helldivers 2 release Sony started talking about getting more aggressive with PC releases, so I think we’re going to see a lot less console only releases.
As a reasonably clever but not exceptionally bright dude myself, I’d say: start with the donut.
It’s a classic blender tutorial that has been kept up to date with Blender’s latest release, and will help you become familiar with most of Blender’s major features.
After finishing that last month I’ve been making lightsabers, mountains, cities and bridges. Happy Blending!
There are single lines of dialogue in Andor that set my brain on fire more than some entire seasons of other shows.
It’s not a lifestyle declaration, it’s a car. I know people online make it sound like everyone is frothing at Tesla drivers, but ultimately: you bought a thing to get you around town.
Slap an Anti-Elon Tesla Club bumper sticker on it if you want. Do what I’ve been doing since Elon called that one guy a pedophile: remind people who comment that you’re not responsible for a billionaire’s antics. You just wanted an electric car.