And people say AI is useless and evil…
Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…
And people say AI is useless and evil…
Why not galactocentric? You got something wrong with our galaxy?
It also highlights, hopefully, that a person is being less geocentric or culture blind.
Meanwhile, at Nintendo…
My guess would be that this is in terms of reactivity and toxicity and the likelyhood that these factors will kill you. Yellow things like lead or lithium won’t necessarily kill you, but they will poison you pretty good. Red elements like potassium and sodium would potentially blow your tongue off due to their reactivity. At the least, they’d likely give you gnarly, severe chemical burns. Licking red stuff like mercury or arsenic will most likely kill you. Purple stuff is either extremely rare, unstable, and/or extremely radioactive. Licking it would cost a fortune in lost materials and likely straight up kill you from radiation poisoning or some sort of other reaction. For instance, francium, you’re definitely dead from radiation poisoning. So
“please reconsider” = you’re going to die painfully and horribly.
“you really shouldn’t” = it’s probably going to kill you, and, if you do survive, you probably wouldn’t want to be alive long after anyway.
“maybe not a good idea” = it might not kill you, but you’re gonna be pretty sick.
The whole thing is a tragedy. I feel like Hackman probably went through a hell of grief and panic in that last week. I really hope that maybe he regressed to the point that he forgot she was there. It’d be the only mercy in that whole situation.
Dead in its crate. She had picked it up from the vet after a procedure on the 9th. Presumably it was in there because it was still recovering. Probably wanted to isolate it from the others. Most likely, it died in the crate from dehydration and starvation. Dogs can only survive about 3 days without food or water.
Such a sad ending for all of them…
Jesus christ… Not even an attempt at decorum. What a disgrace.
It’s not clear what he hopes to accomplish?
How about bankrupting, disenfranchising, and ultimately demoralizing the working class so they have no choice but to work as servants to oligarchy? Destabilizing our government and the global economic superpowers to serve his Russian overlords? Or, equally as likely, to make his next successor seem like Jesus in comparison?
Take your pick. My money’s on all three…
Cool, time to throw all those January 6’ers who only took part in a “protest” back in jail, right? Right?
You asked for it, a goth moth
Guillotine, firing squad, stoning, drawing and quartering… We’re not picky.
For me, it was the spider in Mountain King… Actually all of Mountain King.
I think we all know what he’s planning…
I once had a guy on a livestream arguing with me that the color I was using in a graphic was orange and needed to be red. I calmly told him, I am using red. He got angry that I kept telling him it was red. I finally pulled up the color picker and showed him 255 0 0. As red as red can get. He continued to argue. I ignored him. Some people are just fools who can’t be wrong. Better to leave them be or they’ll drag you down to their level.
Coming soon, “Democrats who disrupted presidential speech banned from further presidential addresses.”
Also, “ready, willing, and able?”
They weren’t READY despite repeated warnings and in the face of blatant statements and evidence. And they haven’t been ABLE to do anything to stop the continued dismantling of our government infrastructure since Trump took office.
How about fucking doing anything?
This is the scientifically correct answer. Any other observance should be chalked up to differing displays, color temp settings, or just differing color reception in a person’s eyes. Numerically, it’s more blue. Blue Lagoon specifically.
Oh cool, tarrif eggs… That will most certainly drive the costs down!
Experience has taught me this proverb is true time and time again, “Don’t stick your dick in crazy…”
Definitely the kind of game that you start playing and then suddenly it’s dark out, your boss is mad because you didn’t show up for work today, your parents are calling because you haven’t talked to them in a week, and bill collectors are writing you because you haven’t paid your bills in a couple months…
Highly recommended!