Full agree!! I use the dev version too!
Full agree!! I use the dev version too!
The 1.0 release is around the corner. It’s only a matter of a few weeks. It has the toponaming problem fixed and a built in assembly toolbox!
I’m interested to hear how it turns out!
Uhh, many thanks for the diagnostics. Happy to hear about the positive news. Also, it is getting colder and wetter again here :)
Looks great! Is the fence an anti-chicken fence?
Great to hear, I’ll become a parent in a few months. It’s good to hear about how you feel since I used to feel pretty negative about having kids before we decided to have them.
Came to say: nice bush :)
Unfortunately things are not that easy. At least in western europe, if you let a patch of land sit there for decades, it will eventually turn into a forest. While forests are nice, they are not necessarily the most biodiverse places.
Some regular destruction of plants (mowing, animals grazing, etc) is beneficial for biodiversity.
Luxembourg, central western Europe. We have seasons. The growing season usually starts mid May until some time in September. We have lots of rain
Not bad for doing it yourself. My hairdresser usually uses a trimmer to clean up around the ears etc.
Nice work! What does the optics look like? Do you have a picture of the whole thing?
Not true about xmpp in general. There are modern clients out there.
What’s your problem with xmpp?
Nice. I like the idea of simple and small. I’ve had a look at Plan 9 some years ago and had the impression it was mostly dead. Nice to hear that there is some movement.
Had to install it now. Never played before. It’s a tough game.
Amazing. Do you feel that it has a future?
Damn, I really need more straw in my life.
I totally agree about rate limiting, mostly against bad passwords that you are not in control of. But banning failed attempts is mostly not interesting if you ask me. It feels like the right thing to do, but IP addresses can change and other measures are better.
Not only this. It’s also old news.