I meant cheese made/available in the US, rather than any specific type called “American cheese”. But thanks for your answer
I meant cheese made/available in the US, rather than any specific type called “American cheese”. But thanks for your answer
Is American cheese any good? TV shows seem to imply it isn’t but it seems weird you wouldn’t have good cheese by now
Edit: I meant cheese made/available in the US, rather than the type called “American cheese”. But thanks for the answers
Oh my god who cares, shut the fuck up
I’m not really involved in US politics, but how do you change the voting system away from FPTP while still voting for Biden, who (as far as I’m aware) supports FPTP?
Taking someone’s licence also gives them a strong incentive to stop driving legally
Do construction crews get special training on what counts as important archeology?
“Hey foreman I found a massive shit while digging that trench we have to call the museum”
“Dave what the fuck are you talking about?”
The question OP poses is not if the content is left or right, but whether the apparent left/right position is sincere or ironic
This is how you poison children. I do it the old-fashioned way: painting my nursery with lead-based paint
Sometimes it is bullshit.
Like callouscomic said, sometimes academics are incentivised to churn out bullshit
I can pet my own cat for free
If a mechanical keyboard was made of denim, would it be a jechanical keyboard or a mechanical jeyboard
They probably just aren’t interested in seeing the comics, rather than disliking the artist personally
People do care but they struggle to make change against the rich who do not care
That’s a penile fracture
I agree that reddit sucks
Not just incomplete. You probably need to start with inequality. 25% of global emissions are created by the richest 1%. 50% by the richest 10%
I mean the people using the forum who have to navigate around your spam
I think the truth is women do like muscly men, but men tend to overestimate how muscly. Like swimmer physique is attractive, hollywood batman physique is male power fantasy; or something