There’s only one way to stop this shit, and that’s to stop buying shit.
There’s only one way to stop this shit, and that’s to stop buying shit.
Silver lining: There won’t be very many more Superbowls!!
There’s a pretty long list of reasons why professional sports, and especially the NFL, shouldn’t exist. All I can do is not contribute. If trogs want to waste their money muh teeem, I guess I don’t give a shit anymore.
They didn’t get any of my money. I watched the game for free and got away with it.
future children will be even more so.
puritan authoritarians are always empowered by the stupid.
Yeah, well, the dichotomy exists because of the inability of the average human to appreciate nuance. No surprise it’s become a fucking shitshow.
Let’s start with this: Can you do anything personally to save the world? I’m not talking incremental personal improvement rainbows and butterflies horseshit, I’m saying can you personally do anything to stop what is clearly a catastrophic trajectory?
If you can, do it. If you can’t, which I believe nobody can at this point, it’s time to stop worrying and live the life you have left.
Spend more time outside, learn to paint acrylics, go get some pussy.
Why torture yourself and live in misery? Why allow all the evil people trying to terrorize you to succeed? Fuck that noise.
Read this, it’ll help: https://classics.mit.edu/Epictetus/epicench.html
Reporting Israeli crimes against humanity is antisemitic. Obviously Israel has the right to defend itself against children getting water. That sniper should be given an award and parade, certainly not flayed alive and thrown on an ant hill.
works as intended.
Something a totally honest completely legitimate non-terrorist state would do.
Just telling you what happens around here. This may be a Reddit alternative, but it has the same old wrongthink police.
Let me be dictator for a day and I could turn this whole shitshow around.
Frankly Latvia has a duty to its own citizens to be prepared for the inevitable.
If only there were some way to enter the country legally so you don’t end up in federal custody.
See, that’s what I thought, but the mods here don’t see it that way. Try it out. Be specific about who the genocidal lunatics are, point out that what they’ve done is an actual “Crime Against Humanity.” If you want to be permabanned, point out the irony vis-a-vis 1946 and today.
Criticize Israel and see how quick your comment is deleted for some bullshit.
I’d prefer if Ted Cruz became the reason they get security escorts.
I haven’t flown in years. It’s simply too expensive.
If you factor in the amount of time wasted waiting around to get through security, waiting to get on the plane, waiting on the plane to take off, waiting at the gate after landing, waiting on your luggage, waiting on transportation from the airport, flying isn’t much faster than driving.
Gas may be expensive, but the buttfucking you get at the airport just isn’t worth it anymore.