the only thing i love more than that guy is that nobody in the comments can agree on what his name is
vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer
the only thing i love more than that guy is that nobody in the comments can agree on what his name is
holy shit, very cool to learn about re-volt! i loved playing that game with my brother on n64
hey rich people probably still say that
woah there pal you got a license for that thing
all they need to do is stop being so scary and we can be chillin
i hear you - i’ve basically learned to avoid any topic or activity related to food with other people irl, which really sucks.
cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, can’t talk to my friends about it anymore. hell, a close friend from high school completely stopped talking to me because we had literally one very reasonable and civil (from my perspective) debate about veganism. it’s been years since i heard from them.
i got a single one of my close friends to even consider trying it, and i’ve been too anxious to even bring it up since last we spoke about it - a couple years ago now. they didn’t seem to believe in the ethics/lifestyle of it and i’m terrified of learning that this person i care so much about has decided that their sensory pleasure is worth more than the lives of the animals they eat.
my experiences with speaking about veganism to the people that i care about is that it is a taboo subject; one that will make other people upset with me and potentially ruin relationships. and i think that fucking sucks.
yeah the hardest part of being vegan is interacting with non vegans. gotta love how the default response to veganism (you know that thing we do to try to better the planet and animal rights and shit) is to argue as if doing something about the issues you care about is a negative trait.
mfs always got something to say and love attacking a thing that as far as i’m aware is proven to be better for personal health, the environment, your wallet, and animals.
yeah fast and furious is basically anime and i love it for that
she samsung on my blorbo till i spurlock
stuff them into a sack maybe
i want and try to be but i don’t succeed every day. i hate thinking about those times when i don’t succeed, but being mindful of those times is a big part of what i can do to succeed more often.
this is the correct response.
get it in writing that they accept the risk that comes with not upgrading so it can’t come back on you. all you can do is CYA and make recommendations - if management does not agree with your recommendations make sure you have it documented that you informed whoever is making the decision of the risk.
if you think your employer will somehow still try to hold you accountable for this, save the aforementioned correspondence using something your employer does not manage i.e. a personal device. you could also let other people than this specific individual know about this so it isn’t just your word vs his.
exactly! whenever anyone says imperial units are “more intuitive” and better reflect “how it feels to humans”, i can only think: obviously, you grew up with it. that’s what you know.
no matter what measurement system you were raised on, it will feel intuitive to you and reflect how you as a human experience the world because you are used to measuring things in those units. having said that, i’d much rather we used metric if for nothing else than the ease of unit conversion.
corporation yet again proving that if you want to be free to use your own things that you paid for on your own computer you can never trust anything that requires an internet connection to not trample all over your rights
love it very cool really vibing with the current state of software and the internet
if tofu tasted good they wouldn’t need to make it yellow? what?
also do you just eat plain eggs, no salt or anything? seasoning your food doesn’t imply that the food tastes bad lol
There’s not enough of us, but I still don’t care. I refuse to pay to watch ads.
i had this conversation with my dad recently about how shitty everything is now with ads etc, and his response boiled down to “i don’t care enough”. sucks to see people being complacent in being subject to greedy corporate whims. as much as i want people with that mindset to care, i have no idea how to effectively argue against “i don’t care”.
how do you know someone isn’t a vegan? don’t worry they’ll tell you
me eating 800 calories worth of leftovers over the kitchen sink at 1 am
but i have an extremely rare disease that forces me to eat dead animals, animals do it too, plants feel pain, a vegan was rude to me 10 years ago, and its not like me paying for farmers to kill animals and thus creating a demand for meat means i have a hand in it!!!