Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.
Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.
After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.
Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.
I was kind of getting really desperate, as I usually, IMO, take good care of the machine. And usually I know hoe to solve issues. But in hindsight, and after checking timestamps, I do believe it is the slicer. When I updated it earlier this year I printed some figs, but couldn’t troubleshoot during to time constraints, and I parked it. So recently I picked up printing some more, but it didn’t connect immediately.
So yeah, I blame the slicer, and my lack of time.