am sam
“your ignorance of the time cube is demonic”
I like that. I’m gonna start using that.
That’s why I only buy ant-created technology.
–sent from my antPhone
Not sure if you’re talking about the U.S. or tofu, but in either case, I suggest you expand your perspective. Article literally talks about 20 different varieties of Tofu, all unique in texture and preparation and taste. You’re bound to like one of them.
Wifi adds latency. Adding 30-300 ms of latency will noticeably affect your browsing experience.
girls i want to want me?
gosh i want trans women?
Alec is making a point specifically about the 1000 hour maximum which was for INCANDESCENT lightbulbs. You know, the ones that aren’t used anymore.
However, modern LED lightbulbs are typically over-driven and under-cooled. This drastically shortens their lifespan and worsens efficiency. But this might just be because it’s harder to sell a $20 light that lasts for 20 years than it is to sell a $5 light that lasts for 5-10.
I find the practice of making daily to-do lists still helps, not because I’ll be able to necessarily do the thing for 20 minutes on the first try, but after those 20 minutes i might look down at my little note and be able to remember what it was I was supposed to be doing… and then I can have another attempt at maybe doing it in the next 20 minutes.