Definitely feels like if a super devout Mormon tried to make an homage to Gummo. I couldn’t stand Napoleon Dynamite on release, and still can’t.
Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.
Definitely feels like if a super devout Mormon tried to make an homage to Gummo. I couldn’t stand Napoleon Dynamite on release, and still can’t.
Wtf? No I’m not defending anyone, are you serious? I’m just saying that the fucking newspaper headline is accurate and isn’t disparaging/insensitive to the victim in the situation.
Jesus fucking christ you are primed and ready to fucking go with your outrage. The article didn’t mention anything about the victim being a minor when they met, or about her being groomed. If that’s the case, yeah super fucked up, no shit. I literally opened the article after reading the post I responded to, read it, saw that it said the victim and Epstein were in a consensual relationship, then he raped her a year later.
If I’m missing context blame the article, not me dude.
You do realize that someone can rape their spouse/partner right? The article does state that they were romantically involved for a year prior to the rape, so ex would be appropriate here.
And his entire defense is “I never met up with her in person”. Yeah bro because you got fucking caught. This is not the defense you think it is.
He’s releasing this abysmal attempt at damage control because a former Twitch employee blasted the details on Twitter yesterday. I doubt the chat logs actually get leaked, although given the fact that he’s almost certainly downplaying the vileness of the I wish they would be.
I’ve noticed this happens when I click volume up or down repeatedly a lot of times in rapid succession instead of just holding the button down. It hasn’t happened to me since I’ve tried to be conscientious about it, but ymmv.
Some of us drive 18-wheeled vehicles.
Somebody sourced supporting documentation that it was originally done to prevent masturbation. My thought process was that, from experience, jerking off still feels good regardless, and if you perform the procedure on an infant they’ll never know it could feel better, so where’s the deterrent?
I’m glad we’re still practicing genital mutilation in 2024 just because some guy from a time when we treated people with hacksaws and leeches said so though.
Thanks for that! I guess my parents and their religious “leadership” just invented reasoning for it after the fact in order to justify the practice without having to think about the why of it.
Do you have a source on the circumcision being a tool to deter masturbation? I grew up understanding that it was yet one more thing that the Christians co-opted from the Jewish faith, and it was done because Christians wanted to cosplay gods chosen people.
Anecdotally, I’ve never heard a single person complain about masturbation difficulties due to being circumcised. I mean I guess if you performed the procedure at puberty it would be even more horrifying and traumatizing than doing it at birth, but I’m just not making the connection here.
I don’t know where you live, if it’s in Europe maybe it’s different. In the US, I know many pro-choice people who have gone the circumcision route for the own kids. For those who don’t want or have kids, quite a few have said they prefer cut guys. It’s still very much a normalized societal thing in the US.
Just to be clear, shitfuck Stone isn’t admitting to stealing an election or trying to steal an election, he’s implying that President Biden stole the election.
He goes on to say “We’re working on it: lawyers, judges, technology,”, so he’s definitely admitting to trying to steal this upcoming election.
So yes, same coup rhetoric, and I would like nothing more to see his front door ravaged by a battering ram during an early morning no-knock warrant raid, but you are taking that one specific quote regarding an election being stolen again slightly out of context. Everything else you said is totally valid based on everything else Stone said on camera though.
Ah, that makes perfect sense. There’s been so many articles recently about millennials being able to buy a house, or retire, or do whether that my mind was primed to read it with that generational context even if it didn’t make sense. Thanks for the clarification!
I had to suffer through enough ridiculousness before I got noise cancelling headphones. I absolutely am not joking, it would be glorious. The only reason I haven’t done it before is that how the fuck am I gonna type on a keyboard with a laptop on the tray table? I used to travel for work, 3-6 weeks at a time living out of hotels, so I’ve had my keyboard in my carryon duffel while flying, which seeded this dream.
Millennialism? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this mentioned before, can you explain?
This is the reason I want one. I really want to take a long haul flight with one paired to my wireless keychron with Mx blue switches, and proceed to code for the entire flight.
RIP Red Storm Entertainment.
Might be 9999 in 10000 are downloading torrents with a vpn though.
Definitely wasn’t expecting to see an RVA username on Lemmy tonight.
Look, OP might have leaned in the direction of posting in the wrong community, but they didn’t actually do anything illegal ok.