Don’t worry you are better off thinking there isn’t one
Don’t worry you are better off thinking there isn’t one
Nostalgia probably, I have fond memories of polar bowler
Many oyster mushrooms are, but unless you grew them from a box you know are safe, I would steer clear.
Easily Fish in a Birdcage, my number one vibeing artist.
I work at a big box hardware store, and I can confirm that almost all deck and structural screws are moving to torx. (much to the older generations dismay)
Tbh 99% of the hate for hex is probably because Allen keys exist, and are included with everything. Those things are just pure hell. Hex is fine if you have proper drivers for it, but a lot of people don’t.
Note: Speaking as someone that lives in America, I’m sure the rest of the world has already solved this.
Nothing at this exact moment, but this is the song my Spotify paused on when I got home from work. (Welcome to lady Hell) Pretty good, though my favorite song from this artist is Enchanté
I was in the same situation, but luckily, Starlink became available. Not as good as a wire, and rather expensive, but damn is it a night and day difference.
And if you notice anything fishy, there are a lot of other instances to swim to
Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive”
Until you find out that a usbc plug fits inside a usba port and you can mix them up when reaching around your computer. (Don’t test this on anything that is powered on, I did it on accident once and it triggered my motherboards usb overcurrent failsafe)
Just spitballin here. Is the route taking a highway? (I think I see an on ramp). If so, I am about 85% sure the algorithm is just assigning too much value to highways. Generally, highways should be “valued” more to avoid just going down tenthousand sidestreets to get everywhere.
If you have hard water CLR (or a nonnamebrand equivalent) is a godsend
Don’t even get me started on their implementation of .7z files, it is so incredibly slow compared to the actual 7zip program
I’m also in northern LP. We use it for when we are planning a trip to Detroit, for example.
In Michigan, there is “downstate” it means heading to the southern part of the state.
I work in retail and one time we had someone take the firelane parking to the next level. They pulled up directly in front of the sliding door, like less than 2 feet between their driverside door and the entrance. You couldn’t even get a cart out.
It is probably an old case design. In the early water cooling days, there would be separate watercooling units that sat outside the case. The grommets were so you could pass your tubing through.
I wouldn’t really worry about the dust tbh, you will wind up having to clean it regardless.