If this is cheating then surely you will cut subsidies for big oil and dairy farmers, right??
Bob’s Guns is an excellent track by Ludique.
If this is cheating then surely you will cut subsidies for big oil and dairy farmers, right??
If China is producing wAy tOo maNy soLaR pAneLs, you should say “thank you for the help with our transition to clean energy” and then buy and install some tasty, inexpensive solar panels from China! Bourgeoisoomers are always so entitled. “But what about my oil companies? Wah! Wah!” My dudes, you are overcomplicating things!
Let it die, then!
In the past, this technique was quite bad for yields. It’s necessary to make advancements in AI, though, so let’s hope it works out. You don’t need that many good chips to make good progress.
Also, Chinese isn’t the main language science is done in yet. Even if you want to move to China, you will want to learn Chinese, and for a lot of people, they aren’t motivated to do that.
Every charlatan CEO in the West wants to make Wechat but in America.
Well, Russia for one.
I guess that’s why they’re testing them. Maybe there are some changes you can make to the hardware to mitigate the bit flipping.
In tech not even being part of the most profitable company will save you. We could use some legislation to limit needless layoffs.
Nvidia is exactly the least likely to get an export license because their GPUs are the best for AI. The sanctions are mainly targeting Nvidia because their GPUs are seen as useful for military applications of AI.
Truly specialized chips for AI have yet to be fully explored. And China will surely be one of the countries to invent them, with the sanctions in place meaning the government will have to prioritize designing new chips.
The general is actually named Charles Brown?? For real??
critical support for comrade explosion
They didn’t want to interview me so I am happy to see them take an L.
wish we could get them in the US. $50000 is way more than I can spend on an EV
Much less opportunity is not quite right. Most people who get elected have their price. What you need to do instead is make the bribery illegal. Of course, it is not straightforward to do this when the people making the laws have been bought or promised cushy, high-paying jobs when their term limit is up. As it is shockingly cost-effective, the companies will keep doing it. Long story short, the defense you need is, therefore, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and that defense can only be achieved by a revolution.