Oh yeah those are not barebones, but I am sure they are not necessarily included as they aren’t made in china and the telemetry is done by google
Oh yeah those are not barebones, but I am sure they are not necessarily included as they aren’t made in china and the telemetry is done by google
To be fair china’s electric cars are way more barebone than American ones, so even tho i don’t think they are private enough they can work without telemetry (or with it removed)
We got only 90.5% coverage but my graph also looks great
That, and the painting, might be put there by people protesting the spikes and not necessarily the owners of these spikes.
I like your way of seeing it but sometimes it’s about the trust you have on the other person not ever betraying that trust.
You can be wrong about them but it feels great having that kind of intimacy with someone.
I’m 28 and have had 10 jobs total since I turned 18.
Half of them are temporary jobs during school, half of them are because of natural professional growth that comes from being good at what i do.
I’m a little confused about the same material as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as
Man there are some great doctors, and I have met some of them having been at the hospital three times now for short stays.
There are some awful doctors as well, and usually the quality of their medical knowledge is bad but their personal quality is much worse.
I wish I hadn’t met those as well.
I think NCAPs are not government institutions, but I agree that funding, oversight and more power to recall, and even ban the sale of vehicles, is ought to be given to them.
No, he didn’t say that amount per movie but in all of his movies, so it’s actually a very low percentage
Ooh that’s cheap, in mexico that pizza costs 11.85 usd!!!
Or a middle school physics teacher that barely knows what they’re talking about.
Really I just wanted to make it clear how dumb it sounds in spanish to say quesadillas don’t need queso but you’re right
Hey most of mexico is not that crazy, only central mexico people think quesadillas don’t need queso. Like saying cheeze its don’t have to have cheese.
I wasn’t so lucky, I saw some horrible pictures in Lemmy once, but they were removed immediately.