You pasted the last paragraph twice.
You pasted the last paragraph twice.
The same thing that’s on the first side, but in reverse.
I agree. While we’re at it, we can also make election day a holiday and require employers to give workers at least a paid half-day off so that they can vote, and create a citizenship ID that is free and easy to get rather than using ID with requirements like a driver’s license. Then maybe we can try out ranked choice voting and eliminate the electoral college. You know, since we want the election to be fair.
I’m probably going to get some hate for this one, but Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse. The story wasn’t as tight as the first movie, they introduced too many new characters to keep up with, and it ended with a setup for the next movie.
On The Nature Of Mass Movementa, by (I think) Eric Hoffer. One of the things he claims is that mass movements are generally made up of the dispossessed and dissatisfied who want better conditions but are not quite suffering enough that their entire focus is on acquiring food. People have to feel as if they could improve their circumstances by revolting, but not be actively starving.
I heard a story about a guy doing something similar, but it was his internet connection speed and instead of submitting a noise complaint it tweeted at his service provider.
Make them live in terrible conditions, and look like monsters at first glance. This way your players will react to them as standard dungeons & dragons monsters, by which I mean kill them all. Afterwards, they find council chambers, crude medical facilities, nurseries, etc that imply that their society was surprisingly egalitarian and had a budding democratic government.
Give just enough of a hint beforehand so that they could have resolved things peacefully if they had been paying attention.
If harming your players emotionally is the goal.
This man was such a good actor, and this character was perfect.
My favorite part of 300 is the bit they didn’t include - how Sparta eventually became a second-rate tourist destination where middle class families could go watch Spartans do local ceremonies and parade in their armor.
Oh shit. I like this one!
I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them, sam-I-am.
When I was deployed in Afghanistan, everyone I knew had the same reoccurring dream- some other dream is happening, and then out of nowhere, you hear a gunshot/explosion, and wake in a cold sweat, absolutely certain that you just got shot or blown up. And the certainty persists for about five seconds after you wake, as you shakily pat yourself down for blood. Good times.
Tarlov then said […] “Scrabble can be a tough game”. Co-host Greg Gutfeld replied, “So is life!” before admitting that he has never played Scrabble.
I looked at the French word for pharmacy, assumed that some part of it was the same as the word for dog, and then dug back through the sentence until I found “chien”. Still laughed.
I read this as “flammable owl”, and my first thought was- aren’t all owls flammable?
Is this The Room? I’m pretty sure this is The Room.