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Yay? I wish they’d made the game more interesting, but I guess that’s nice.
Yes. I prefer my os to be more passively adversarial. Like Gentoo. It hates everything equally.
Hey, I’m not that old. I just have opinions as to my lawn and your proximity to it.
Oh, yeah. Now they start doing something. “We might not get re-elected!” Some of that was your original inaction. Don’t hurt yourselves now that you’re affected…
This kills the back.
OK, but for the record I didn’t think you were that short.
Yes, they should have sold the information as the policy states. Clearly they didn’t read the handbook.
Yes, but the vibrator in your phone isn’t 75% of the user interface.
But with that money you can give her the ride of her life…
✅: Does what it’s asked to do
✅: Doesn’t talk back
No, but I do!
end users have to deal with it either way
So, normal linux shenanigans.
The worst part is that it definitely isn’t poop. But it’s close enough that the vomit reflex hits anyway.
Read this as “The best way to get back: piracy”
Not really the biggest, but most complex: the ornithopter set. Tremendous fun, and some of the mechanics feel borderline lego-illegal.
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