It might be simplistic, but I’m always going to go with Occam’s Razor on this: Trump and Elon are just that stupid.
It might be simplistic, but I’m always going to go with Occam’s Razor on this: Trump and Elon are just that stupid.
Partly (the article does refer to it being the language of NATO), but it looks to be more about joining the EU.
I did this at my work and got a little dongle that displays a string of numbers I have to enter when prompted.
They want the ability to shoot down other countries’ satellites when they go to war with them. Things like disabling communication satellites and GPS (or Russia’s equivalent, GLONASS).
Kessler Syndrome? Never heard of it.
Blowback, The Dollop, and occasionally Citations Needed but I’ve let that one accrue a huge backlog I may never get through.
They claim it’s so that Sony can handle banning players. In reality it’s a split between data farming and an attempt to get people into the playstation ecosystem.
It’s really too bad Arrowhead went with Sony as a publisher.
“Patriotic Socialist”, which should set off alarm bells for being awfully close to “National Socialist”. They’re doing the exact same thing the nazis did, attempting to use some bits of left-wing rhetoric to appeal to the working class while simultaneously espousing extreme right wing and anti-socialist political beliefs, in this case usually Trump’s. Some of them seem to be suspiciously well-funded for what you’d expect from tiny fringe political organizations.
For the record it’s 5 white people, 1 Palestinian, 1 Indian-australian. And he still doesn’t care, but the optics of being seen not to care would be bad. Seems like he’s now aware that he’s going to eat shit in the election this fall and is trying to appear as though he opposes the genocide while doing nothing to stop it.
Real bookheads know that Arthur Dayne could maybe take Aragorn but Jamie is a chump.
If they’re not executing nazis in the streets they’re not stopping them from assuming power.
to news weirdos.
Only cool people are capable of doing it as a bit
Why the fuck did they not sign this?
Boris Johnson (aka NATO) told them to die to the last Ukrainian instead. Literally “the west [wasn’t] ready for the war to end”.
Where was this outrage when Evo Morales or Lula were ousted? Oh that’s right, he supported the fascists.
Doesn’t it have something like a two-hour battery life? Feel like that excludes it from being something you carry around with you like a phone.
Some of us never stopped
It was a thing last… summer? Where reddit announced they were going to start charging for every call a third party program made using the API. This was done with the intent of shutting down 3rd party reddit apps and to get users on the official one so reddit could make more money. However, it also destroyed a bunch of 3rd party tools that mods more or less needed, and which reddit had been promising to implement themselves for years with no progress. There was a brief protest where mods of many subs shut them down (mostly for less than a week, though some are still down IIRC). A bunch of users and moderators left reddit and went to other sites.
I use UBO and have definitely noticed videos stuttering in the last week or two.
Did you reply to the wrong person? Not sure how that relates to what I said.
Anyway, I’ll believe it when I see an actual source, not just “Well this rich dipshit famous for lying said it”. AFAIK all the actual serious science points to it being a natural evolution.