When we said give the people what they want, we got this, and we do.
you don’t talk about salary within earshot of the boss, you don’t badmouth company decisions within earshot of the boss
Or, do these things all the time if you can base your working hours around making your company more money.
Hi hon, I’m really sorry that the friends you made are shite. That isn’t your fault, they were just there.
Could you do me a favor and reach out to anybody you can. Think back to anybody that’s made you feel seen and understood.
Hi hon, I’m really sorry that the friends you made are shite. That isn’t your fault, they were just there.
Could you do me a favor and reach out to anybody you can. Think back to anybody that’s made you feel seen and understood.
Somebody who focuses on their career primarily.
Well firstly interview all of the child’s caregivers. Determine the living conditions the child has experienced for the past several years. Determine what failures of supervision happened that resulted in an 8 year old gaining access to a firearm.
Then remediate unsafe living conditions, provide therapy, and charge whatever people who were responsible for the kid with manslaughter.
Kids in the Hall is particularly good
Imagine dairy flavored toothpaste
You have a better camera than I do
It got cold
Yeah same re: purchasing convenience vs pirating.
Pirating is a juicy prospect once again.
But your premise is bad
Population decline can have benefits
Just like, don’t make it seem like you want genocides and yeah you are right
Prior to launch, we agreed to a comprehensive set of rules to govern image creation, including that people in images be fully clothed.
Apparently they thought about it, but neglected to think that some “vacation” images in the training data might not be tagged with the clothing worn or that the model might sometimes consider only pants to be fully clothed because some of the training data might show topless women in public and not be tagged. Or topless men.
Yeah you are right
Germans apparently
Maybe, I do hear hex a bunch
6 “lobe” is torx too. Nobody calls Allen bolts hexagon either.
Yeah it’s a kids show dude